Openledger/Bitshares/Bitshares Community-Open Letter

in #openledger6 years ago

Open Letter to: Openledger /Bitshares /Bitshares Community

After two years of being thoroughgoing in the crypto blockchain space, and thousands of hours of researching hundreds of projects, my deductions led me to my primary blockchain/community home of the Larimer dynasty of technology. A trusted safe zone in the chaotic noise of the crypto world. Even as folks were bloviating a year ago about Dan and EOS being a "scam"...I knew otherwise and defended him in chat rooms, at local meetups, and with friends and family. I mean come can a guy who developed the fastest reliable and proven 2 blockchains in the world now set out to scam the world, Hahaha ridiculous. And as we all know what has come to pass is a masterpiece for any dev out there to "play with".

Then we have Stan Larimer, eager to step in when asked by Dan to enhance Bitshares in growth and community, with new innovation's new collaboration’s for Bitshares. So too folk’s like Michael Taggert, Fuzzy and his team, Kimchi-King Kevin, Once Uponatime, Digital Lucifer, and others showing up with passion with their innovative ideas, helpful and kind and, really, LOVE for all thing's Bitshares.

But where there is much love often is its opposite which is fear; but for my purposes today I will call love's opposite censorship, thievery, control mongering, and (real) intolerance.
Which brings this missive to a gateway in BTS wallet known as Openledger.

Around April 2018 Openledger fervidly and repeatedly tweeted the following: olscreen.jpg
Keep Your #EOS Safe after June 1st with #OpenLedger #DEX
To all EOS holders - no need to worry!
#cryptocurrency #crypto #blockchain #fintech #Bitshares #Bitcoin #BTS

Gosh… ya know BEING THAT I am paranoiac with private keys and Openledger being a "trusted" part of the Bitshares family; okay, okay, BTS "elders" I know OL is technically not BUT look at it from a user POV: Bitshares has its own offices of suites but OL “rents” in the same building; albeit perhaps on a different floor. I reasoned and consulted with a Bitshares "elder" about how Openledger would manage this. Now for clarity, the term "elder" is used here in the context of the earliest Bitshares folks- those around since the protoshares days (not me). Openledger, also promoted the fact that they would honor EOSDAC and Everipedia airdrops (the well-known ones and BIGGEST at the time).

Ok, well, this is getting better and better so I thought. I then used my little gray cells to assume (careful about assumptions folks) IF Openledger is able to technically airdrop Everipedia to their users surely the rest of the airdrops too. Here is how it worked with EOS: An exchange like Openledger has private keys just like we do. In order for them to receive/ convert/ attain EOS, they mapped to EOS mainnet with their private keys. The exchanges (erc20) EOS balance at the time of conversion includes all of their users (erc20) EOS. This means they received all of the airdrops credits, and rightly so, of their users. So the question becomes why, why, why...does Openledger not credit all their TRUSTING users their rightful airdrops? There have been many bogus answers floating around…these are the one's of which I am aware: “ too expensive per airdrop to UI”, “never promised all airdrops”, “OL is discerning which airdrops are worth crediting”-yeah this one's a real pip. I have consulted EOS BP's and Bitshare's devs who know for certain the expense for OL is minimal to honor these.

So check this screenshot: - why is this 4/3/2018 blog post deleted? Notice the comments here: - why is this 4/12/2018 blog post deleted?
In fact, if you peruse the blog, there are almost no April 2018 posts. When you look at other months, the blog is loaded with posts.
Where’s this one?

Next, I shall address the head of Openledger Ronny Boesing. Ah, the aloof Mr. Boesing. Ignored my direct questions regarding airdrops repeatedly in the BTS DEX and the OL fan page “4members” Telegram channels. aol.png
To ignore me is his prerogative of course, but how does this measure up to excellent customer service and satisfaction? Hey! Ronny, please help me understand, how this is not thievery?

The OL Fresh desk customer service continues to stall with ambiguous answers on “when airdrops” as the screenshots show above. And here is an email correspondence:
On Thu, 26 Jul at 4:28 PM , <> wrote:

  1. I was just told by the admin in bitshares DEX telegram to open a ticket as I may be able to manually remove my EOS from being frozen. Is this so? If yes... I need the detailed procedures.
  2. I understand you are likely doing what you can, BUT what is disturbing me is if you don't honor all airdrops dispensed into our accts as you should. Otherwise that is stealing from your customers. 3. My EOS is in YOUR private keys acct so therefore are receiving all airdrops. I fully expect to see my wallet filled with what is owed to me.
  3. thank you- I am sure you understand OUR frustration after 6 weeks when WE were under the impression freeze for MAYBE up to max. 7 days. Meanwhile....raining airdrops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello---!OpenLedger Support Team [email protected]
The estimated opening date of the gateway is Monday. We understand your concern. If you want to get all the airdrops you can withdraw your coins after opening the gateway.
Best regards,
OpenLedger DEX Support Team
News telegram channel

There is one more detailed and heart wrenching private chat I’m having with a very nice OL representative that is still ongoing. The whole conversation has been screenshotted but I will not post because they would likely lose their job. But I will say this; OL is even leaving their reps to basically fend for themselves with the public.

For those who did not TRUST an exchange during the conversion this is what your EOS wallet would look like:

Here is the list of the better known airdrops from the June 1, 2018 snapshot: HORUS, CET, KARMA, EVERIPEDIA, CRYPTO WIZARDS, KEOS, MEET.ONE, ATIDIUM, EOS SPORTS BET. Now look, Ronny has said in public it is at OL’s discretion as to which airdrops to disperse to their users. Well, ok, except, you indeed received them ALL and we haven’t got any. (I do not count EOSDAC as that was dispersed months before June 1, 2018. I already had mine! Never got any from OL.)

I ask you Ronny: what have you done with all of your user’s EOS airdrops received? Are you hodling? Have you sold them? Given to charity? Hey if you did this we investors sure could use the right -offs. This is a public plea for transparency. Come clean. There are many, many of us who are disquieted of your custody and no longer trust Openledger. I and multitudes of others will never use Openledger again unless they make good on this. A vociferous petition is commencing of users to join in unison against the unjust actions or I should say inaction of Openledger’s custody of EOS airdrops. Comment below if you wish to have your voice heard.

This could possibly be one of the most brilliant scams in the crypto space.

If you are a victim of this thievery telegram here:


Sorry to hear about this, it looks like openledger have alot to answer for, not only does it look bad for them and their business but it also drags the BitShares name through the mud to those that don't understand the seperation between the two..

I have similar concerns. By my count, we have missed out on 10 airdrops so far. I'm moving my eos.

Useful information thanks for share.

Thanks for your support!


You have to keep in mind that dividing all those airdrops onto the BTS exchange have a certain cost attached to them. Besides, any company handling (storing) coins on the exchange that aren't native to the blockchain itself, are from a centralized nature. They are basically just the same as any of the other big exchanges out there.

It is a fact the costs are minimum. Thank you for sharing.

I have my Eos in OL , glad to read this post, im not the only one in this situation. I asked for weeks about IQ , before yesterday they answered my ticket and said :
Unfortunately, it is not very easy to support airdrops, especially when we are talking about eos. We are doing our best to support the most popular airdrops, but we can't support all of them.

Now we are in decision making process regarding eos airdrops. When we would have any news about it, we would inform the community, be sure.

If you want to receive all airdrops, it is better to withdraw your funds to your own external EOS wallet. In such case you would get all airdrops which you can and you won't depend on anyone.

Working hard to get get transparency

  1. who is posting this earthwalker, or maven or whats your real name, if you complain you should have one, otherwise you are a clown and not trustworthy
  1. I dont like it at all if somebody I never seen and never heard of, come to the channel openledger4members just to post his opinion and his perhaps true perhaps dream experience without asking if he is welcome and if he can do this.

  2. I am a owner of OBITS and other tokens on OL for more than 3 years, yes I did have some issues and yes they have been resolved.

  3. I cant answer your concerns, but since I dealt with OL Support quite often, I can only say, what they told me, what they promised me, was always cumming true.

  4. and dont post on openledger4members about honest Michael and Stan because I remember other. but I am not going after them, I just dont spend any money on what they promise.
    BTS is not advancing its going backward, so why would I support any of those clowns ( ok my opinion)

Just I personally cant say bad things about Ronny in the contrary!

  1. if you have any issue with them, ask support in a nice manner and I am sure they will help you.
    But if they say they dont support all off airdrops, you better take your tokens to the exchange who does, than you will not have nothing to complain about it after a year or so.

  2. I am sorry if you did not listen to what is said and recommended , but dont blame Ronny or the staff of your shortcoming.

Solly, you dont have a legit case. you just angry that you did not follow advice

Hope you have more success with other exchanges than Openledger, which I know many complain because they NOT had even get a response from support if they ask.

911!! don't just copy stuff if you don't back it up with who you are and to whom you talking too.
also show me your account but you failed doing this, but you have copy after copy after copy, well that's garbage and you know this.. but I have to admit you try your best

Greetings "openledgerme"?

You took a great deal of care replying, you must feel very passionate about OL?

  1. No this is not my post, this is my steemit account as you can see I replied to this post earlier. My real name is Ian Gray if that changes anything about the contents of this post, and your name? "otherwise you are a clown and not trustworthy"..

1b?) His opinion is an incorrect assumption, the telegram group is an open group but feel free to delete anything that challenges the integrity of your group, discussing and raising issues is an important factor is it not?

  1. This post is not about your ownership of OBITS and your 3 year history with OL, your name clearly suggests your allegiance.

  2. "I cant answer your concerns" I'm glad you cleared that up.. Looks like we'll have to wait for someone that can, becuase i think that was the intention behind this post.

  3. BTS is certinaly "going backwards" in the world you live in due to many unfortunate factors, Thank God for all the hard work and integrity by Michael, Stan and their team to steer this ship in the right direction.

  4. Sorry, this feels like we're going around in circles a little, there are many customers that are fed up with the lack of support from OL and it's time some light was brought onto the issue so they started looking after them, after all, OL are nothing with out them..

  5. It’s OL’s shortcoming not that of the customers that trusted OL to do the right thing which there appears to be little of these days. Im not sure what makes you the authority on a “legit case” considering “I cant answer your concerns”. Maybe it’s best left to someone that can answer the concerns, and now that it’s out in the open they may be a little more proactive in helping their customers who put trust in them...we should always try our best

Where are the IQ's ????

Dear maven2017,

We never claimed to support all the existing airdrops for our users, only those that we publicly announce, such as eosDAC and IQ tokens. We never suggested otherwise, and this is the information that we share with our users in our official releases, private chats and individual tickets.

We would also like to bring your attention to the fact that chat "OpenLedger4members" is not administered by OpenLedger employees. Therefore we kindly ask you not to assume that you might find our support service there.

Selective distribution of airdrops is a common practice for crypto exchanges, as it is the only possible solution from the technical and economical perspectives. Further, support of airdrops and updates was complicated by technical problems found in EOS network and necessary. You can find evidence in our news section on closing and re-opening of gateways.

Therefore, in case you would like to receive all EOS airdrops, you need to transfer all assets to your EOS wallet. Unless you do so means that it is impossible for us to transfer you all airdrops from our private key wallet.

Kind regards,
OpenLedger Legal team

Were are IQ's? BTW So what has been done with them??? We have a right to know what's been done with them.

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