Oh crypto when will they take the bottle away from you?

in #openexchanges7 years ago

It's sad so many people think crypto is still "new". The reality is it's us & we just don't want to admit it. Code either works, or it doesn't.

I can believe people are crying about Poloniex on here. Stalled trades, delayed payments, Ddos attacks, software updates, the list goes on. Crypto is a very fast paced fluid business, we as people have a difficult time understanding all the technical details involved. Most of us just want to get our trade on.

Our sad monkey brains have attempted to take a new technology and cram it into a traditional centralized trading platform, then we don't understand why it doesn't work. Satoshi's wisdom didn't require a centralized desk to exchange currency. He knew it just came down to you & me coming to an agreement. So where can we follow in Satoshi's wisdom?

There are decentralized exchanges... http://BlackHalo.info I mention first because black is sexy these days. They have no middle coins, no charges, multisig & a double deposit requirement. Software is on there site, but as of yet no iOS download exists yet.

There's also https://bcexchange.org Win/Linux software is available, source code download, nothing for iOS.

This next one has the same personality as most cryptos. It's already changed its name so make sure you google both to wrap your brain around it. BitSquare changed to https://bisq.io Win / Mac / Linux downloads available, but nothing for iOS. No middle coins, arbiters are available to resolve disputes with a reputation system.

https://openledger.io/ Seems to be a web based service open an account, or just use the wallet to trade with.

http://blocknet.co Is another exchange. Win / Mac / source code available, but nothing for iOS.

https://nvo.io Is out there. Mac / Win / Linux downloads available. Nothing for iOS is there.

https://bitshares.org/ Is an option? It uses an IOU system which is basically a middle coin. Win / Mac / Linux downloads are available, but nothing with iOS even though they have a web exchange available they fail to support Safari.

https://www.openanx.org/ is taking donations, but being a Chinese based company I question if they have fully wrapped their mind around the meaning of "decentralized" without a back door into your wallet?

Last, because it's still under construction & no software download available is http://www.coinffeine.com

All this being said, stop crying about Poloniex. Wipe your tears when Bitfinex gets robbed again. But most importantly, learn from it. Pull yourself up, dust yourself off & try something new. Insanity is repeating the same actions over & over again expecting a different outcome. Bravery is having the fortitude to do the right thing at the right time.

Go get'm tiger 🐯
Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈