RE: Open Border Insanity... Illegal Immigrants, Illegal Aliens, Refugees, Migrants, Compassion "Oh My"
I think it's important to acknowledge that there are people that are mistaken in their beliefs, there are people that are right, and there are people that lie. Not all that speak as if they were mistaken are, and deliberately promote malignant policies in order to profit from them, or through solving the problems they caused afterwards.
Who will profit from armed invaders? Militarized police state forces, first and foremost.
Open borders are the enemy of freedom and felicity of peaceful nations, and this is obvious in those nations in the EU that have suffered the most immigration of late. It is undeniable that it isn't Islam itself that causes the epidemic of sexual assault in Sweden, England, and the rest of those countries most impacted by immigration, because nations like Bulgaria with large muslim populations that are native don't exhibit that scourge - because they haven't endured mass immigration through porous borders lately.
Your terminology is correct; these are invaders, and we're going to reap the harvest of sowing invasion that has proved to result from it throughout recorded history. Whether advocates of invasion are deluded or malignant is immaterial. Let the advocates serve on the front lines of the conflict to come and reap the crop of destruction they have sown.
You ought to go and stop the invading army, I'll be right next to you waving the flag welcoming them in, after all, you have your opinion, I have mine, and your invaders are my people, this is my land, this is your land. . This is my house..
You neglect my assignation of responsibility for the influx of invaders to folks like you, that advocate for their entry.
So, have fun when the enemedia trumpet lying politicians claiming we need ever more militarized police, yet more invasive panoptic surveillance, and seek to justify draconian censorship because it's the only way to prevent the coordinated attacks of insurgent invaders.
Something I didn't mention, that @everittdmickey did, is that every American is descended from an invader, including Native Americans. This is a key argument of open border advocates, as it is true and points out that immigration and invasion are the only reason we are here to begin with, and that it is unjust that we now oppose the same ability of others to enter this land.
We're all boat people, after all.
People have migrated since, well people, even the colonists didn't come because of any natives ushering them in, did they, so why are my opinions responsible for what is the nature of people after all?
You think that makes for any kind of sensible argument or direction? You cannot argue with reason and my intellect has shit all over you, it's not as if you didn't position yourself there though.
Private property is not Public Property. Check mate, no need for any "have fun with yadayadayada".
Invaders and immigrants are two different people. You think the intention is not important that's why you use the terms interchangeably, yet to point your fallacy of false analogy, a self defense killing is not the same as premeditated murder..
I'm not an open border advocate and I've addressed the issue with sensibility and the veracity that is completely absent in this article and almost vacant in the commentary to it, take the torch, you're better than equating an invader to an immigrant, one is a murderer and the other is defending against them..