The Real motive for OPEN BORDERS / mass immigration
The Real motive for OPEN BORDERS / mass immigration
is that the owners of limited capital, such as realestate, and money, benefit when MORE people compete for it. The poorest become POORER as they have NO capital, and must compete for that limited capital, and for employment, with MORE people. Your 'rich' locals, Employers, property owners, want cheaper labor, and competition for the capital THEY already OWN, to become RICHER at the expense of the poorest. The elimination of national borders a.k.a 'OPEN BORDERS' and 'globalisation' gives you cheaper products AT FIRST, then LOCAL unemployment, ultimately leading to the reduction of wages in EVERY nation to the LOWEST 'sweatshop' levels of the LOWEST wage nations. Adam Smith proved that the 'invisible hand' cannot operate under Globalism and such conspiracies as 'Open Borders'. The result will be a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT where the elite 1% own everything, and the rest of us are their slaves. Some slaves will be treated better than others, as in all HIERARCHICAL societys, define by the PYRAMID structure. TROONATNOOR