Steemit Open Mic Week 78 Whole New Oatmeal World
When the Joey gets tough, the Oatmeal gets going like never ever before in the marches of aborted lives as black lives matter and as we sing for a whole new world like Aladdin did and this was from the summer of 2014 but uploaded again now 2018-03-29 Thursday 10 PM LMS Oatmeal Joey Arnold OJA and we are living in whole new world horizons and you can join if you have not at and through #InformationWar
Open Mic
2018-03-29 Thursday 09:03 PM LMS: OMic78 World 2014
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Email: [email protected]
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Shelton Music Store(See More)
Biography & Resume
My experience - (Web-Designer) @Small Music Store in Shelton, WA,(Film-Maker) @Arnold Attic,Camp-Counselor, English-Teacher in Vietnam, carpenter, musician, dishwasher, artist, journalist, creator, & more... (See More)
Have lived in - Oregon, New York, West Virginia, Vietnam, Hawaii, Quebec, California, Seattle, Idaho, Cambodia, Oregon, South Carolina, & more... (See More)
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