Nightmare While You're Half Awake - Sleep Paralysis
You already know that you are dreaming but cannot awaken yourself, tried so hard to move your feet or just get up from your bed but still can't!
Seeing a demon, an old ugly woman on top of you floating in the air getting nearer and nearer to your face, with all your strength you try to shout for the others help you out to wake you because you ALREADY KNOW that it is just a dream. A real bad dream that SEEMS TO BE SO REAL. You are not alone.
What you are experiencing or might have experienced is the same thing happened to me before a lot of consecutive times.
Watch this short 5 minute video to know the basic thing about the usual scenarios while we experience these episodes while we are in slumber.
Video is not mine and intended for back up information purposes only.
Frightening as this could be, the strangest thing that happens here is that we do have the same visions and things that we see while we are under sleep paralysis episodes.
Causes of this phenomenon are the lack of sleep itself and stressful lifestyle we do have.
But sleep paralysis can be cured.
You only need to clear your thoughts and be totally at ease when you are about to sleep.
Just as I was able to overcome my own struggle freeing myself from these traumatic episodes at night and even during the day.
Now I thought it was already over after I was no longer able to see this horrifying old woman, a monstrous tall man pinning me down and looks like a demon during my sleep. My focus we're just only with them or each one from the two of them when they appear and was not able to notice around the old woman or the demon which is a lot of thick smoke that surrounds them.
The sleep paralysis that I had sometime a year ago has triggered my THIRD EYE REOPENED.
The thick smoke around the two of them when they appear in my dreams are random souls wanting me to see them.
They are all faceless, shapeless but the head formation of the smoke, the shoulder and torso signifies to form an actual real person, but really can't since it was just smoke literally floating in the air.
I can now see them while I am wide awake.
When my third eye was closed 30 years ago, it was along with my memory of everything that I saw during that period of time my third eye was still open.
I will tell you this story the next time.
Making everyone know these things so yo can be aware too.
@fycee here
Source of photos came from the video as well.