Is Love a Lost Cause in the Digital World?
Is Love a Lost Cause in the Digital World?
Finding “The One to Love” is an age-old quest. However, neither Adam nor Eve had to log in to dating app or swipe left to find love. And although Romeo and Juliet had their shares of hurdles, losing a internet connection was not certainly one of them.
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However nowadays, dating is absolute chaos. Yep, it’s a reality that there are over 7 billion people on planet but it is still arduous to find true love. As increasing number of people are using technology to find romantic relationship, numerous dating apps are entering the market with innovative ways. A latest survey at the University of Rochester, US found that online dating is the second most common way of dating- after meeting via friends. Harry Reis (Reis), Professor of Psychology at the University of Rochester believe as other approaches are widely thought of as grossly inefficient. “The internet holds great promise for helping adults form healthy and supportive romantic partnerships, and those relationships are one of the best predictors of emotional and physical health,” added Reis.
Aziz Ansari (Ansari), author of the new book, Modern Romance, spent more than a year interviewing hundreds of people across the world about their dating experiences and love lives asserted “In the past, single people may have met potential dates mostly through family, friends, or colleagues. These days, people can increase their dating choices exponentially via online dating services like OKCupid, or Tinder, to name a few, all with relative ease. The benefits are pretty obvious: your chance of meeting someone that you click with increases with the more people you meet. But, the downside of this wealth of opportunity is that it makes people tend to rush to judgment based on superficial information and to constantly second-guess themselves about whether, by dating someone, they may be settling too soon, before finding that the elusive Mr. or Ms. Right.”
Although the benefits are quite obvious; your chance of meeting ‘the one’ increases with the more people you meet. But, the ethical challenges raised by online dating are really frightening because there are people in cyberspace who aren't looking for love but for cheap thrills which are potentially destructive for human well-being.
“The key is to get off the screen and meet these people. Don’t spend your night in endless exchanges with strangers, noted Ansari. “Culture and technology have always shaken romance. But, History shows that we’ve continually adapted to these changes. No matter the obstacle, we keep finding love and romance,” posit Ansari.
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
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