Off-line time is good for ya!
It's been a long time since I last wrote anything. Here.
Have been off-line more or less and tried to cut interner usage as minimum as possible. But one cannot completely scoot away from it though.
Doing stuff in the real world gives one much more than sitting in front of the screen and chasing the next dopamine fix in form of likes and mentions and other notifications. Feedback loops are big to
Also I have left my smartphone home when left. One doesn't need that kind of surveillance gadget in ones pocket. I will get rid of it completely when I have place where I can have my interwebs via cables. At the moment 4G is the only way I can get online. So wifi hotspot that is for me, basically. Of course works as a phone still, but ...
One have got options ...
Scooting away from the touchy screens and surveillance gadgets is good for ya, mmmkay?
I'm planning to make this shift away from the screens and such into the real life. Limiting my online time to couple hours and such. But I think I have to have some computer time still, since photographing and such will take some time. If not shooting for film that is.
Also writing on typewriter is going to be something I'll pursue more and more.
Not even say anything about porn. That is one thing everyone should get out of their lives! It's very very bad for you. And it's so normalized nowadays that people even don't think of it.
Just stop! Just say "NO!"
Will get back with this subject later when got some things organised in order to get away from the online-whatever.
Till then ...
Try to stay safe, try to stay sane!
-- EOM --