Making Money Online.
Making money online isn't always easy. Alot of people think you can simply join any random program and earn quick money and get rich... The reality is a totally different situation. In fact most of people trying to earn money only never earn anything...
People are joining those amazing program that will give you a crazy ROI without doing anything to earn...
In reality if you take a moment to think about that, a system that will give you, let's say, 150% ROI may seems interesting... You may have seen few payment proof but don't be fooled! Those are most of the time HYIP or RevShare.
I have tried them both. Yes sometime you can make money but that normaly only for those who join first and get away with other people cash and let the system crawl for newcommer to be scammed. These system usually don't last long as they are unsubstainable... The website simply won't be able to pay people requesting money after a while. So like I said, yes people can make money from those but you have more chance to lose money than make some... (My personal opinion)
RevShare are a little bit different and normaly can last longer but even the biggest RevShare in the market went down not long ago after few years of service... Thats because the owner was transparent enough to do his possible to help his members. I'v seen many RevShare simply stop paying people out without any warning or anything... Soo that why I would not join any system like these anymore... Learned from my mistakes.
One of the only kind of system where I really made some good money is those system where you need to recruit and advertise to earn... Preferably those Member to Member system. At least this way you don't have a website risking to close down at any moment with your funds in... But even with that be carefull! Never use Paypal for Member to Member payment system... Paypal doesn't like people to make quick money... They will probably end up freezing your money...
Hope it helped some of you.
Sorry if the text has mistaked I was simply typing what i was thinking without really taking care of the rest. And also, i usually speak French...
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