Latest News! Onix listed on New Exchange! Hot New NFT Game under Development!
The Onix Token was officially listed on a new crypto to crypto only exchange originating from Germany. The newly launched centralize exchange called Xeggex pronouced ‘Zeg-Ex’, which currently offers over 16 cryptocurrencies, added Onix to the rapidly growing list. Onix will be available for trade on the BTC, USDT and ETH markets!
Xeggex is a centralized exchange specializing in small to medium sized capitalized assets. Xeggex supports multiple blockchain networks. Xeggex strives to maintain a low cost to entry for smaller assets while also providing high class service and a great user interface.
Xeggex was started in October 2021 by partners Karl and Walter in Germany. The original plan was to try and cater to Binance Smart Chain assets. However, after several unsuccessful weeks in that market, it was decided to open up to any asset and start with low to middle capitalization assets.
Xeggex also pointed out the strategy for securing deposited tokens on the platform by keeping the majority of funds in offline safe wallets. As deposits come into the system they will be moved directly into the safe wallet, then they will only move assets into the withdrawal wallets as needed. The amounts kept in the withdrawal wallets can vary depending on the volume of withdrawal activity.
The company also outlined a backup policy which includes a backup of the entire database, configuration files, and wallet files every 4 hours. The backups are then retrieved by an external server for storage with a retention of 30 days. The external backup server does not have a public IP address and is stored in a secure area.
In January 2022, Xeggex secured additional investment from an outside party and currently Karl is working to create a business entity in Seychelles, which is a crypto friendly country. The company mentioned their future plans are to have Seychelles as their official location for correspondence and other matters.
Xeggex goal is to provide a safe and friendly atmosphere for anybody who wants to trade crypto to crypto, no matter who they are or where they are from. They also stated that they do not anticipate needing to implement any KYC procedures in the future with the services they currently offer.
Army of Crypto
Under development by the Onix Developers Team, Army of Crypto is going to be a strategic NFT card game, where the cards itself will be crypto figures. All the cards will be NFTs and they will be collectables. Once the player has the cards, they can battle against one another. The looser of the battle might loose one of their cards which will be blindly withdrawn from his opponent.
The game will also have the Play to Earn feature, as well as Free to play mode. The highly anticipated Beta version by the Onix Team is expected to be released by the 2nd Quarter of 2022 and the full release as soon as the end of 2022. More updates about Army of Crypto will become available in the coming weeks, check the official website for latest news and announcements.
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Written by: TreyTrillionaire