One photo every day: Out on a walk with Ninnu (333/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)

Hi again!

I wonder if it is the warm weather or the gym activities I did today, or both but I've been completely strung out the whole day, taking naps after naps, and more naps through out the day. And I'm still dead beat tired, physically so.

Today at the gym, after having seen @omsoc doing workouts in his videos I was so motivated I might have overdone mine, constantly adding weights to each set. So when I was leaving the gym my legs were trembling from all that strain and stress.

However, I forgot to take any photos. So here, to patch up the mistake, is Ninnu doing her late night walk, saying good night to everyone on Steem... :)


It's completely a smartphone shot in low light and a moving target, so it is fairly out of focus and her feet got cut off. But it's frankly all I got for you guys today.

Sorry. ;)

[Previous post: One photo every day: Experimental play with "local contrast" (332/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

Another sunset (326/365)
on the road (327/365)
A bunny at a domestic animal farm (328/365)
New family member (329/365)
Ninnu (330/365)
Yet another sunset (331/365)
Experimental play with "local contrast" (332/365)

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Voi Ninnu mikä suloisuus! Minkä rotuinen hän on?🤗 Ja mitä hän tykkää Kiemiksestä?

Ninnu on Venäjän Tsvetnaya Bolonka ja mulla on vähän sellainen fiilis että sillä on vaikeuksia nähdä Kiemistä tuon lasin läpi. Voishan sitä joskus tuoda käärmeen sen nenän eteen, mutta epäilen että saattais näykkäistä. Tai sitten Kiemurainen yrittäs kuristaa Ninnun, eihän sitäkään tiedä, saattais luulla koiraa ylisuureksi hiireksi tai rotaksi.

Tämä helpottanee koon arviointia - hänen säkäkorkeus täysi-ikäisenä tulee olemaan noin 25cm. Nauttikaa uudesta tulokkaasta. 🤗🙏🏽
Laita kuvia/ videoita jos he päättävät tavata toisensa, kiva nähdä miten reagoivat. Mun vanhemmilla (ja mulla nuoruudessa) on ollut labradorinnoutaja. Mun pikkusisko halusi pienenä myös kanin ja heidän välinen tunneside oli pitkälti viha-rakkaussuhde. 😃

First you must be relax! Don't think too much, it might not a good thing for your health! Then yeah this photography is not a too good! But it's fine! Have a great day ahead Jaro!


Hi Jaro, Hi Ninnu or I rather should say Woooff Woffffff :B

i become in love in this dog , thinking about get one as well now

Go on ol son, get in there. Proud of you sticking to the workouts buddy. At least Ninnu wasn't too tired for a show off session. Have a good evening

Thanks! I gotta stay committed, still got that beer belly... ;D

You'll get there bud, at least you're enjoying life on your route.

Hi gamer. It is not necessarily the shot but your story that goes with it makes it. Trembling legs and all.

She really cute 😄

OK friend. I think Ninnu likes the camera. it looks in 3d the photo, haha

Ninnu didn't want to stop and it got blurred the picture! :D

It doesn’t matter the quality of the photo.. whit that cure dogge in the photo everything goes! :)

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