The most efficient cryptocurrency exchange platform.
Were you looking for a fast, simple, easy to use and noncustodial wide range exchange for your cryptocurrencies and altcoins? Well, is here ready to serve you with the best platform to exchange a wide of cryptocurrencies and altcoins. is an online platform with a widely instant exchange acceptance of over 100 cryptocurrencies.
You can instantly exchange 140 cryptocurrencies that are readily available and supported. It is the simplest exchange online with many assets listed for exchange.
With the development of Bitcoin in the recent years and its remarkably great increase in the coin market capitalisation, there have been a lot of developments in the digital world. Some of these include altcoins, cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency exchanges. As there have emerged numerous cryptocurrency exchanges, the mechanism of exchange of most of these cryptocurrency exchanges are annoying to both newbies and long time users of blockchain and digital currencies. As many have realised, they involve going through tiresome and cumbersome tasks such as long registration and verification requirements, longer time for page loading and refreshing and many other kinds of hassles. is here to support, hold, encourage and corroborate with cryptocurfency enthusiasts and all the users at large to be able to invest more in digital currencies and be fully part of decentralisation.
The list of cryptocurrencies currently exchanged can be explored through the drop-down menu as seen below;
Multiple-choice Cryptocurrency exchange with incorporates the ability for the user to make multiple-choice cryptocurrency exchanges from just one single page. How awesome!!! With the familiarity of cryptocurrencies and crypto assets, the eager beavers can now be able to make multiple exchanges from just one web page. By the traditional way of bookmarking and saving the URL as done in the different, you can always return to the same page and hence continue to make more transactions. is designed to achieve this through cards with a transaction on each card.
The Exchange Widget.
With the rise in the use of cryptocurrencies, there has been a large exchange of FIAT or paper money into digital currency and with the likelihood of cryptocurrencies to rise to dominance in the near future, has incorporated an exchange widget with a simple copy-paste code provided on the OneBoxExchange widget that will offer incorporate cryptocurrency exchange on your website.
Examine transaction on your Explorer.
After you have successfully carried out a transaction you will usually need to know your transaction status. Go to the small square button next to your transaction status label and you will be redirected to the relevant explorer that will be show as in the demo below;
Share awareness of the cryptocurrency exchange.
Another remarkable development on is the ability to share your cryptocurrency exchange transaction(s) via social media platforms probably to create awareness to your followers, business partners, or as proof of support to a due cause such as a project.
Since cryptocurrency transactions have been approved by a wider audience around the world by companies, organisations, markets and other business oriented circles for its transparency in the actions of each user on the transactions they have completed successfully, this feature on will bring more transparency, awareness and will be used as a marketing tool as well.
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