There is great synergy in unity. The Bible - the word of God - confirms it in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 4 verses 9 to 11, where it is written that two are better than one.
Oneness, that is, unity, togetherness or working in harmony is the engine of progress and success when more than two or more persons are working on a project. Again, the book of Amos chapter 3 verse 3 poses the question, "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?That is to say that when two or more people are engaged in any project, they can't successfully accomplish it without unity - oneness. Where there is unity, the result is always far greater and better than what individuals could achieve if put together; this is synergy.
It is the result of brainstorming, opinions refined and complemented etc. Oneness will also deliver the project quicker and better.
Genesis chapter 11, verses 1 to 8; shows the exploit of unity. The people started building the tower of Babel. They imagined "a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven..."(verse 4). When they began, it was progressing very fast and according to their imaginations. It must not be forgotten that they were speaking one language and had one speech (ie one voice, one purpose).Nothing could stop them. It was only God that stopped them when He saw their pride,- "let us make us a name" (verse 4) - and removed the source of there progress: oneness/unity/togetherness. Their languages went diverse. There was great disagreement and commotion among them; everybody went his own way. That was the end of the building of tower of Babel till date.
The disciples of Jesus Christ were able to achieve the success they had because of oneness. They obeyed the injunction of their Master to remain together at Jerusalem till He sends the promised Holy Ghost (acts 1:4). After the Holy Ghost encounter on the Pentecost day, they were all empowered by the Lord. All the miracles that they recorded hereafter were as a result of this encounter they had for being together. Where there is harmony true love must be there. For love is the bond of perfectness (Colossians 3:14). The people that must work together must love themselves and their project.
NB: All scriptural quotations are from the King James version of the Bible.
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