Those bashing President Trump need to put on their Big Girl and Big Boy pants! Better yet, put on a pair of overalls and hunker down!

in #omnibusbill7 years ago (edited)

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Those bashing President Trump need to put on their Big Girl and Big Boy pants! Better yet, put on a pair of overalls and hunker down! We put our elected POTUS into a den of vipers! No one said it would be easy! No one said there would be simple choices! He was up against a Wall on this one and had already expressed his frustration! You can't put the military and their families at risk. They are sorely needed and must be funded! Especially considering we have been put in a State of Emergency due to the level of extreme corruption and the threat from the deep state. Those of you who are fully awake know first hand all this encompasses. It creates such a stench of unspeakable horrors the rest of the population can't wrap their minds around, or all out refuse to deal with it. They would rather go back to their readily available distractions put in place to keep them complacent and quiet. Remember, literally a web of deceit so vast it is almost strangling us and seeks fervently to bring Trump down! Why? They know he sees through them! They know their Days are Numbered!

Now that the Democrats are happy, we are receiving a great deal of backlash from hard core Republicans. I'm sure they see the Rhino issue for what it is! Hopefully All are seeing how they play these two parties against each other to keep their control and Elitist Status! POTUS can't just wipe out this flawed system which benefits the globalists with a wave of his hand. So he has to play the game. You can't combat those brainwashed with truth only, some things have to play out so those deeply embedded in the propaganda start questioning the narrative for themselves. Think of it this way, you nor God forces people to see the Creator loves them and has a better plan than the deceiver, they have to come to it on their own, or take that journey for themselves. In other words, you point them to the truth in the process. We cannot force them, they have to see the farce Crumble with their own two eyes! They have to be exposed to the deception in order to run the other way! In the process we can't leave our literal forces weak, susceptible, discouraged.

First it was the hash being slung by the Democrats because their programs were being cut. We all understand about the ones that Are needed, but sadly this Omnibus Bill includes hidden agendas and self serving interests, as are generally associated with a government too big for it's britches! This is the dilemma. Do we give the swamp some of what they want so we can keep our ace in the hole supplied?

Our POTUS was up against a glut! So used to earmarking and pork belly politics have these political demigods been, he (as a non politician) is now called on to clean up their gluttonous, wasteful mess. It is an impossible task when you are up against a deadline and dealing with years of problems from administrations like the Obama/Bush/Clinton era bent on overspending and padding the pockets of elitists in government and high places. In the process our Military and even some needed agencies dealing with inflation and lack of resources are stuck in the middle! POTUS didn't have much of a choice! He tried to pick the lesser of two evils.

Yes, it is extremely unfair as us mere mortals have been forced to not just get by with less, but sacrifice in the lean years of no raises, higher cost of housing, food, gas, supplies all while our health care quadrupled. Yet we went and still go to our doctors LESS because we can't begin to afford those prescription prices nor the astronomical cost of care forced upon Corporations and Small Businesses by the ObamaCares Nada Trap! Trump is trying to fix it. He has fixed some things in a relatively short amount of time, but how we humans forget the good so easily. Myself included, we are prone to complaining when things don't go our way, or do we simply not understand the big picture?

President Trump has tried to teach these entitled government officials through example like him getting better deals, demanding other countries stop treating us like a door mat, not taking a salary, bringing more work to the US producing action and hope rather than despair, and decreasing the cost of services like Air Force One. He gets Zero credit as do we, the working, middle class of America who do more on less funding! Yet he will continue to take all the arrows and slings for us. I suppose the least we can do is take the backlash we will now be receiving from some of the Republicans! We all know our POTUS won't get any credit from the Dems EVER as many are fully assimilated into the globalist agenda, they quickly succumb (as was intended) to their false narrative and display themselves in all out temper tantrums filled with a barrage of name calling, belittling and in some cases.. .public displays of violence and anarchy they think they desire! I hear you! Aren't we used to it by now? The good news is, we still have some waking up every day and leaving the party of true enslavement!

The Rhinos and Dems are simply using this as a way to further divide us! Just think, if they can fracture his most ardent supporters, that gives them wiggle room. Just look at how their party has been exposed time after time for who they really are! Yes, they are fully supported by Rhinos like McCain, a wolf who pretended for years to be in sheep's clothing, but his wool has been sheared and we see the light God has shined directly on his activities and connections to the enemy.

They know they have lost ground! They need an angle! What is their angle? Russian collusion didn't work, Impeachment on grounds of mental instability didn't work, attempts on his life have not worked. What do you suppose lies in between All of Those Texts from Strozk, Paige and McCabe? What was in those communications in the DNC emails? What is their end game? How are they going to get it back. . .their control of our country which was gifted to them through players like CIA family Bush, and Saudi Arabian and Soros funded Obama? They were counting on 8 more years! Thank God we were united and Didn't give it to them! Stand, Fight, Don't let them Divide!
I don't judge the Obama crowd, I was an admitted Bush fan before I woke up

Don't give them what they want. Yes, test the narrative behind the scenes, you should. In public, we should all take a united stance. We must do this together! We did it before when we did the impossible with God's help. We went out and voted. . .even thought they constantly beat their drum of Us Not Having a Chance! They piped it out on all the airwaves and frequencies that we were the Deplorables, the Despised, the Despicable, Drumfpsters, Dejected and Destined to Fail Designated to Fall so they could take total control. Are we failing? Should we give them an inch?

As quoted in The Hill, Senate Appropriations Chairman Daniel Inouye said, "With the exception of the Department of Defense, all of these agencies have been running on a continuing resolution for well over a year. This must stop because it is no way to run a government, particularly one that must learn to do more with less. How can an agency be more efficient when it is operating on the budget plans that were developed two or even [three] years ago?"

Perhaps they could take a lesson from True Americans who keep this country running through actual Hard Work, No Meetings full of sitting and Wasted time while passing the buck onto the REAL Workers doing the hard labor (while they pretend to be entitled management as our controllers), Shortened vacations and budgeted trips, let's see you all wear a Goodwill suit, give up your vacation home (homes in many cases), have to use the same health care and pay the same costs as we do (that's right, Obama's strangling costs never went down for many), it would do you good to understand value comes from spending time with quality people rather than trying to earn more money for Stuff that just fades away! Walk into an Aldi's and purchase your mainstays, and put your kids in a public school at the mercy of your (We the Elite Politicians will be protected by security with guns, but not our schools touted as a literal Target of Gun Free Zones) propaganda. What is wrong with this picture? Why are so many of these politicians worth 100's of thousands? Many times they are worth millions even billions! Democrats and Republicans alike! We know it, and they know we Patriots know it!
See what some of these people who pretend to relate to us are worth! Can you believe the nerve of Moore pretending he is One of Us?

I say a light bulb moment would be some of these elitists picking up the slack by donating some of their massive profits made from insider trading, inflated salaries and bribes they have taken. How about just 1 of your million Pelosi, Moore or Weinstein? The same goes for the wealthy Rhino's like McCain. They could fund the truly needed programs that have been suffering and be told if they want their pork, come and get it! They should fund it with their own Massive profits! Stop taking it off the backs of the Hard Working American People! We might be exhausted from their diabolical plotting and slavery, but we Are Not Giving Up!

Those inclined to bash Potus need to ask, are they part of the Solution or the Problem? I know who you are, and deep down you do too! You are the same person who saw directly through their construct, their ploy to divide with ready made parties. Trump had to work within their construct, he had to run on the ticket that was open. . .Republican. We all know the truth, he was like us, he used to be a Democrat. Many of us even if we were staunch conservatives, we faltered at times, as with wars and the taking away of our freedoms. There were policies with Both Parties we were completely opposed to! We knew we needed a non politician (an outsider to government deals, steals and blackmail) for once. Trump wasn't a perfect human being because as my wise Dad states, Jesus wasn't on the ballot, He isn't here to reign on earth yet, none of us are perfect are we?

Trump was and is a people's president! He has proven over and over he is not watching out for the elitist agenda. He has infuriated them time after time. Trump's actions speak for themselves! He is not one of them, he was put in an impossible situation. That military is Needed. Those Tribunals Will come. We will not try those with sealed indictments under the compromised judges of our court system. This includes some on that long resignation list the general public is not aware even exists. We know how they love their loopholes, thrive on drama while attempt to entrap and force people into their control tactics.

No, for once they will be judged according to Our laws, not the laws unto themselves. .. a type of lawlessness and anarchy. The kind they demonstrate under divisiveness and chaos where they clearly, "do as thou wilt." Not under true patriots! There is a foundation, we built this country on a Constitution they seek to undermine so they can cheat, there is a center of gravity and There Will Be a Judgement Day! Stay the course, Stay strong, Do Not Crumble! They are loud, they will continue to bully, monopolize the airwaves and call us names. God is on our side and if He is For Us, who can be agains us?

Stand, Pray, Fight! Remember Who You Are! Godspeed Patriots!

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Here is a link where he discussed the wall with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Interior Dept. back in January of 2017.

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