Omega Coin masternode on Windows VPC

in #omegacoin7 years ago (edited)

OMEGA Coin - Masternode - Windows/Windows VPS - Guide

Note, if you think you did everything right and you are having "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED" status, simply go to step WATCHDOG_EXPIRED issues section at the bottom of the post.

Get wallet software

Download, install and sync latest OMEGA Windows wallet on both local and Windows VPS computers.

Send your collateral

In order to setup an OMEGA masternode , you’ll have to get some collateral:
In order to setup an OMEGA masternode , you’ll have to get some collateral:

1000 OMEGA coins (

Open your local OMEGA wallet, check if you have active connection to the network(bottom-right corner), make sure you have 1001 OMEGA coins in your wallet. Go to "Settings > Options > Wallet", enable "Enable coin control features" and "Show Masternodes Tab". Now restart your wallet.

Go to "Receive" tab and create a payment request by filling "Label"(name your masternode, eg MN1) and "Amount"(amount should be exactly 1000). Keep everything else unticked(remove Request InstantSend). Now click "Request payment" and copy the address "Copy Address".

Go to "Send" tab and paste our copied address into "Pay To", now you should have "Label" and "Amount" correctly filled in. IMPORTANT to keep "Subtract fee from amount" UNTICKED. Keep "PrivateSend" and "InstantSend" unticked too. Now click "Send".

Generate your private key

Create a text document to save the following data. Now go to "Tools > Debug Console". Type "masternode genkey", this is your private key, save it to a text document.
Your private key will look like this:

Note your transaction

Type "masternode outputs", this is your TxID, save it to your text document. (Note that if you are not getting your TxID, wait until your 1000 coin transaction has more confirmations or is complete)
Your TxID will look like this:
"8acf6e12ab210e8d8167fc800185bb3ppac3a534b4af6990001126c3a25d4146": "1"

Configure your masternode configuration file

We are still in our local wallet. Go to "Tools > Open Masternode Configuration File". You will see a text document, add a new line without "#". When done editing, save and close this text document.

[ID] you can use your previously named "Label"(eg MN1).
[VPSIP] your Windows VPS IP Address.
[masternodeprivkey] your private key (we previously saved it in text document)
[collateral_output_txid] your TxID string (we previously saved it in text document)
[collateral_output_index] your TxID single digit (we previously saved it in text document)

[ID] [VPSIP:7777] [masternodeprivkey] [collateral_output_txid] [collateral_output_index]

MN1 7929zATAyenPS9apZN543QkDi9uUdCJjGhFvyPoIQTjNQjw8pdd 8acf6e12ab210e8d8167fc800185bb3ppac3a534b4af6990001126c3a25d4146 1

Close your local wallet.

Configure your masternode wallet configuration file

Open your Windows VPS wallet. Go to "Tools > Open Wallet Configuation File" Paste the following and edit these 4 lines: rpcuser(can be any random username), rpcpassword(can be any random password, you won't use it, but make sure it is long enough), masternodeaddr, masternodeprivkey. When done editing, save and close this text document. This is used internally within the master node software you dont need to remember the user name and password.




Restart your Windows VPS wallet. wait for it to fully sync.

Open your local wallet. wait for it to fully sync. Now go to "Masternodes" tab. You will see your masternode with status "MISSING", click "Start MISSING". Status should changed to either "PRE_ENABLED" or "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED" If your status is "PRE_ENABLED" you just have to wait ~~30 minutes and it will change to ENABLED. If your status is "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED" don't panic, we are going to fix it now. DO NOT restart or close your Windows VPS wallet.

Fixing WATCHDOG_EXPIRED. Keep your Windows VPS wallet open. Download or copy the following file to your Windows VPS.

Extract it and place it in your "C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Roaming\OmegaCoinCore" folder.

Create a shortcut to "sentinel-win64.exe", send it to desktop or anywhere else you want.

Right click on your shortcut and go to "Properties", the "Target" line looks like this:


Now add the following including the quotes "--config=C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Roaming\OmegaCoinCore\omegacoin.conf"

Your "Target" line now should look like this:

C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\OmegaCoinCore\sentinel-win64.exe "--config=C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\OmegaCoinCore\omegacoin.conf"

Click Aplly > OK.

Now run your shortcut, your sentinel should start and you should see "Running sentinel" in the cmd window.

Restart your LOCAL wallet, wait for it full sync. Go to "Masternodes" tab. Now your Masternode status should be "ENABLED". If it is not "ENABLED", wait ~~30 minutes.

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BitCoin Talk

Congratulations! You are on board holding a Masternode of a coin that is on its way to the moon.

Please leave any comments to improve the post

Donations appreciated :)


We have the Omega coin (and many others) available for instant share within our Midas shared masternode service.

No need to obtain hardware or set up a wallet or any other hassles. Just deposit, profit and automatic withdrawal.

Hi I am a newb and I almost made it through. Got the watchdog_expired and installed the exe, put it in the omega folder and created a shortcut on desktop. I get this when i try to run it:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\desirecore\desire.conf'
DesireCore must be installed and configured, including JSONRPC access in desire.conf
Press [ENTER] to exit

how do i get the desire.conf?

thanks for guide

i think its wrong sentinel for desire coin? says needs DesireCore?

hmm. restarted wallet, it first said pre enabled, then turned to watchdog expired again...

C:\Users[your user id]\AppData\Roaming\desirecore\desire.conf'
hi the path is wrong it should be your user id, if its admin then it should look like this

the desire.conf needs to be in the roaming location, but if its not in the roaming dir then you need to find where that may be. if you still can find the file you can use an app called every thing

this tool will index your entire hard drive and find the file you are wanting to find.

i am using this for want_core coin and i got the same error. so do i need to install a software to open the port?

hey guys.

Which VPS should I take for Omega?

is a vultr with 2,50$(500GB Bandwidth) or 5$(1000GB Bandwith) necessary

How can I decide how many masternodes I can put in a lets say 5$VPS Server? cuz 1000GB is a lot in my opinion. And I just run some nodes through there...

Please help

Go for $5 you can use for other mns too.

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