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Omaha and Douglas County have spent only $45 million in ARPA money from the federal government, with $65 million yet to be spent
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The purpose of this writing is to help parents foster that relationship with their child where fear and guilt are not tools that the parent uses to parent. This means that the child has that trust of their parent where unconditional love can flower. Fear and guilt are not appropriate tools to foster that trust that is so important between parent and child. If a child does not trust their parent to respond appropriately to actions by the child, then such a relationship has not been built. Unfortunately there are devastating cost to children and parents who live in such unpleasant relations Omaha Nebraska news
A Rush to the Hospital
"I have to go to the hospital. Mac just called and told me that Sharon has been rushed to the hospital with chest pains," said my mother.
"Do you want me to go with you?" I said.
"If you don't mind, I would appreciate the support," my mother said.
My sister Sharon had been rushed to the hospital and her husband Mac had just called my mother with the news. I drove and my mother sat in the passenger seat beside me. Obviously worried, I could do or say nothing to console her.
When we reached the hospital Sharon was still in emergency. I stayed in the waiting area and my mother went back into a holding area where my sister and her husband were.
Mac, my sister's husband then came out and left my sister and my mother together. He then told me what started this whole incident.
"Marcus told Sharon that Dawanna was pregnant. That news caused Sharon to react as if the world was about to end and she suddenly developed chest pains," Mac told me.
"Is that all this is about? I know that chest pains are potentially dangerous, however just the news of the pregnancy caused all this," I said.
"Well, you know how Sharon is," Mac then said.
Sharon had just been given news that her seventeen year old son had sexual relations with his girlfriend and that girlfriend, Dawanna was now pregnant. This hospital visit was a reaction to this news by my sister Sharon.
It is now thirteen years later and I am still joking with my sister about her grandson. His name is Jason and my sister adores this young man. This is the same child that seemed to cause a near heart attack and hospital visit by my sister when she learned that his mother was pregnant.
Do you get the picture? My sister really loves her grandson and this pregnancy which resulted in the birth of Jason was cause of a hospital visit by my sister thirteen years ago. Marcus, Jason's father is very close to his son and he never married Dawanna. Marcus is in another relationship now is doing very well. His old girlfriend Dawanna is married and has since given birth to another child.
One must understand that my sister at the time of the pregnancy was a Jehovah's Witness. This is a very right-wing religious group. Many of you reading this may have had such people ring your doorbell to tell you about their religion. The Witnesses do a door-to-door ministry that they call field service with the objective of growing their flocks.
By the right wing, the Witnesses are a religious group with plenty of dogma and rules in their teachings. My sister is a member of this group would then have to deal with the view of her friends in the religion after the news of this pregnancy reached them.
I cannot honestly tell you what went through my sister's mind when she found out that her teenage son had started his sexual relations and had a child on the way.
However, I can speculate:
• Shame ("What will my mother and father think?")
• Shame ("Am I a good parent?")
• Shame ("What will the other Jehovah Witnesses think?")
• Shame and maybe fear ("How will this affect Marcus and Dawanna's life?")
• Shame ("Who can I talk with about this?")
As it turned out, the hospital visit drew enough attention that everyone in the family knew about Marcus's situation almost immediately. Therefore Sharon was not able to keep it a secret for any length of time, nor did she have to tell anyone. The hospital visit news spread very quickly.
If you as a reader have been on the planet any length of time, you can understand what is termed religious dogma. These are the religious dos and don'ts. They are also the cause of much pain and suffering. However, they can only cause direct pain to those who accept the dogma. Sharon had simply believed that her son had committed a sin and was probably feeling some guilt and shame from this experience. Since she does admit that it was the cause of the hospital visit, she was probably feeling a great deal of guilt and shame.
This story about my sister and her son has been provided only to point out what damage religious beliefs can do to a person. Imagine if you are a deeply religious person as I know my sister is, then imagine if you believe you have done something wrong in the eyes of God. What is your way out?
Divorcing Religion from Ethics
I happen to believe in a God who loves me unconditionally and does not react to my actions. Admittedly, it has taken me years to reach this point and I also have many books that support this belief. What is important is that I want to teach the value of such a belief. God is unwavering in God's love. This love is unconditional. This is your way out from the wrath of an angry God. Such wrath does not exist as far as I am concerned.
Now assuming this is true, we can then assume that God does not react to actions on the human plane. We can then divorce ethics from God. If you understand that the purpose of religion is to just get you started on a path toward God, then you can easily see the value of this. If you can do this you can learn to forgive more easily and quickly. This allows you to also love more deeply and unconditionally.
Separating religion from ethics allows one to live more freely. This means that you know that God will not respond to anything that you do. Do you feel the freedom of this? If God does not respond to your actions, then there should not be any guilt coming from one religious view. This leaves a person free to deal with their actions within their own mind.
This leaves one to deal only with their own ego when they do something that causes ethical thoughts to come up. Have you ever heard a voice or had a feeling within you that was critical of you? If you have, you know that the ego within is sufficient enough to deal with.
For example, I do something wrong. I know that I have God's love. I then have only those in my world to deal with in respect to my wrong action. I have no religious matters to deal with here. We will work with the term forgiveness in a later chapter. Right now, suffice it to say that I only have to forgive myself first. Then I deal with my world. If I can forgive myself then I can more clearly deal with my world outside my own body.
One of the ministers of my church once said that religion is just a starting point. I took this to mean that religion can be considered kindergarten. The objective of having a religion is to fall deeply in love with God. You are naturally inclined to do this because God is what you are at your spiritual core. Religion has the purpose of getting you into a prayer life wherein you will eventually fall deeply in love with God Omaha Nebraska news.
From this love you hopefully seek to be a God-guided person. A God-guided person is therefore guided not because they want to be good. They want to be guided so that they can assume their place in the creative scheme of things. This means that they are guided to a life purpose wherein they become of benefit to the earth by doing and being the person who helps move the planet forward to a planet of peace and abundance that is worldwide. One spiritual text that I often read called A Course in Miracles says that heaven and earth will not continue to operate as separate states. Heaven literally takes over the earth visit our website