Koreans nightmare: Is "hello" considered polite and "hi" informal?? Oliver Sam reveals the truth!
Hello는 존댓말, Hi는 반말로 알고계세요?
Alright, so, is there any difference between "Hello" and "Hi"??
On Monday 21st, Oliver Sam, an English conversation content creator, posted a video with the tittle: "Is "hello" considered polite and "hi" is considered informal??" In his video he compared the words "hello" and "hi" when greeting in English. Let's check it out!
Oliver Sam YouTube photo caption
Oliver Sam said, "Many people know that "hi" refers to "hello", however, some don't know that when saying "hi" is not really informal or rude", he said. Actually, in America, "hi" or "hello" it's said without distinction, you can say "hi" to your teacher, professor, president, manager, even to someone who you just meet or bumped into on the street.
Oliver Sam YouTube photo caption
"When I first started writing in English, the thing I had to be careful of was to know when I can use the word "hey".
Well, that's pretty common. In this case, "hey" is a more casual expression than "hello" and even "hi", Oliver said. If you speak in an informal context or situation, you can say "hey" without being blacklisted. But in a formal context, you will never never never use the word "hey."
Oliver Sam YouTube photo caption
Oliver said, "when you don't know what to say, the safest thing is to say "hello", then you can move on to "hi" and lastly, when you are getting closer, you can start using "hey". So, remember this oder: first hello, then hi, and lastly, hey.
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