Political Awakening Video Weekend 11-17-2018 (22 videos)
Beanstock's World regularly posts very insightful articles about the mess we live in and how to fix it. Among these are its "Video Weekend" compilations of top notch videos. This weekend is no exception:
Part A:
Once again, this weekend comes with videos providing lots of insights in our economy and politics. Especially big topic: third world poverty in America and the upcoming great economic crash. But there is plenty more. So, if you are lucky enough to have a weekend, watch these videos instead of infantile adults chasing balls in an arena or paid liars talking false politics on TV.
- Economic Update: Going from Crisis to Crisis
- The Neoliberalal Con Job
- Corporate-Made Death to the Economy
- Profound Economic & Political Insights
- Winning Elections is Not the Only Thing
- System Report
- American Poverty
- U.S. Poverty Politics
- Clueless U.S. Billionaires
- American Dream History
- U.S. Election Fraud
- “Legal” Criminals Angling for the Next Crash & Bailout
- Our Psychopathic “Leaders”
- The “Elite’s” Secret Move Against Free Speech & Public Interest
- Trump Fatigue or Fake-Outrage Fatigue
- U.S. War & Terror
Part B:
Don't miss these truly far-reaching deep insights from Chris Hedges in our past, present, and future!
I was hindered from posting about it yesterday. If you like these video compilations, I recommend to sign up for timely free notifications from Beanstock's World directly.