Olga Romanova

in #olga8 years ago
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  • Iz dnevnika velikoy knyazhny Ol'gi Romanovoy ot 21 sentyabrya 1914 goda: «...29 novykh ranenykh. Rabotali na trekh stolakh do 6:30, vernulis' k nashim. Perevyazyvala Churokayeva 286-go Kirsanovskogo polka, ranen v golovu.

Bersenok 105-go Orenburgskogo polka, perelom pravoy goleni, rana. Kostikov 115-go Vyazemskogo polka, ranen v bedro...» Original'noye foto sdelano za neskol'ko mesyatsev do nachala Pervoy mirovoy voyny. Rekonstruktsiya tsveta: khudozhnik Ol'ga Shirnina / klimbim.

Heading #From the diary of Grand Duchess Olga Romanova, from September 21, 1914: "... 29 new wounded.

Powered by three tables to 6:30, returned to ours. Bandaging Churokaeva 286 th Kirsanov Regiment, wounded in the head.

Bersenok 105th regiment of Orenburg, fracture of the right tibia, an injury. Kostikov Viazemsky 115th Regiment, wounded in the thigh ...

"The original photo was taken a few months before the outbreak of World War II. Reconstruction of color: the artist Olga Shirnina / klimbim

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