Bridge and a bit if flare
A shot I got early one morning in Central Park
Considering deleting it at the time but played with black and white and a bit if flare in color and kind of liked how it came out
A shot I got early one morning in Central Park
Considering deleting it at the time but played with black and white and a bit if flare in color and kind of liked how it came out
amazing! colored rays that look like a soap bubble. good job
Thanks was a fun edit :)
Very relaxing 😎. I love the bridg and the light which comes through your shot. Up&resteem
Thanks appreciate your visit and support:)
I love you perspective and the colors of each of your photo. SO my dear friend I think we stuck together and that is soooo beautiful ;) Have good one :)
Glad we have came in contact in here, really loving this site
Yes, so true :)
Really amazing photo
Thank you for sharing
My pleasure thanks for the visit
Cool shot man.
Nice creative work ! Great composition.
Thanks kindly :)
I like it! Glad you didn't delete it!
yeah the sun and flare was blown out but I like the end result thanks :)
Lens flare and the blown out look are "in."
Ohh I didn't know that :)
Well you do now. LOL! The trend in photography is actually to make images look like they have lens flares, light leaks etc. It's considered to be more arty and less staged.
Well I must be really slack at keeping up with the trends LOL
I have always like flare in some shots but good to know sharing this now I am trendy LOL
Nice pic. I like the leading lines and the texture. Nice in BW.
Thanks yeah the sun and flare was blown out but I like the end result thanks :)
Amazing post. Well done! @tattoodjay
Oooh! Great touch!
Thanks kindly:)