Researcher: Africans are the oldest of contemporary humans. And the Moroccans are the first inhabitants of the continent
The researchers, Abdul Wahid Ben Nasr and Jean Jacques Hublin, the discoverer of the oldest contemporary human being in Morocco, presented the highlights of this discovery, stressing that the research carried out on the bones and skulls that have been discovered confirm that they are oldest to the hour, highlighting some of the characteristics of this human being, especially his brain, and highlighted the characteristics of Mount Aygoode, a 100 kilometre west of the city of Marrakech, is the area of discovery.
The seminar was held on Thursday evening at the headquarters of the Scientific Institute in Rabat, Mohammed V University, the Embassy of France in Morocco, the Department of Cooperation and cultural activity, and the French Institute in Morocco, under the title: "Discovering the oldest remnant of the sane human species in Morocco".
The two scholars stressed that the African continent is still in the middle of the region with the oldest contemporary human being. In this context, Abdul Wahid bin Nasser, professor at the National Institute of Archaeology and Heritage of Rabat, explained that the first human being in the world was in the Dark Continent, several discoveries have been made, including in Ethiopia and Tanzania, such as the discoveries of "Omo Kibiš" and "Hirto", except for those that return to Mount Erhood.
The Moroccan researcher indicated that the age of the bones and skulls found in the area, which belonged to 300 thousand years ago, had been ascertained in two scientific ways.
Bin Nasr also highlighted the richness of Mount Erhoud region with discoveries, asserting that it was a strategic area and a place that could protect this discoverer from the dangers that were then, such as wild animals.
The region has an important geological age, with many attempts to date, every time things are discovered that confirm its seniority, the spokesman said that, for example, during the period from 2004 to 2011, 22 samples were discovered, including at least five individuals.
Jean-Jacques Hublin, for his part, spoke about the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and a human bone discoverer in Morocco. On the most notable DNA and gene tests carried out on the discoveries of the Mount Irhud area, explaining that at a time when the discoveries of the oldest human Contemporary in southern Africa to 260 thousand years ago, and Kenya two thousand years ago, the discoveries of Mount Erhoud remain the oldest.
"The research carried out on the skulls of Mount Erhood shows that this ancient human being is involved with us in multiple properties," it has a mind size that is approaching the size of the current human mind, but it differs from it in shape, which makes it look like a Current SAN. "
As for the fact that the most ancient discoveries of contemporary human samples are always found in countries on the African continent, the researcher confirmed that it was due to the fact that "Africa yesterday is not Africa today, most of which were forests and did not have deserts as it is today, making it an environment conducive to human survival."