Ben ik weer gefopt?
You know, precious ?
i've been dealing with funny people all my life ...
i wonder if i should get a blog section on tyrnannoght , and why is it not alleycat, right, i still have the domain name
i paid for it in advance, like @therealwolf paid a year in advance for the witness the moment the price went down. Without wanting to advertise or sell my other witnesses short, i think that deserves a modicum of respect but first
in the spirit of Google :
the dark lord on acid-noght it shows random, i like that easy bit on webpages, right , especially if i got room for a few hundred, doesnt matter if i spent seven hours or seven seconds on one logo, the blender one took some time but not that much, the filtered ones a lot less, the point is you dont know what you get
like waking up to my last ex who "suffered" as they say from borderline personality disorder ... (jekyll and hyde)
you never know what you get in the morning
a handjob , breakfast on bed in exhcange for smoking sex or
a day of dark clouds and thunder without reason
they tell me most women are like that and i tell them
you're probably the type who would tell a skinny girl she's anorexic because you were born with a different constitution, right ?
where was i cos i inserted this while typing
in case the words i speak coming out of my mouth would not be content as defined by the protectorate
yea, but that's me, right .. i have been dealing with funny people all my life as i was born the shy A-grade kid
A+ even when i was really young hahah hah haa ... that stopped fast enough when they started ramming tables of data up my head
As we go on the flow i dont know what i'll show in a minute or so
so what is content, what is spam ?
and most of all
i consider my witnesses public servants, not the government
they get paid more because they DO more , otherwise i might as well stick to the world of the old gold king
mh ah yea i was ... i think here
is this spam cos its not for the money, clearly
i dont do calculated and even my supreme code is always on the fly while i forget half the syntax by the time i'm done as my brain doesn't store it, it just pipes through what i need from talking to the 1e100 and that's that
like shadow would say
the music's coming through me
i have no control while i'm in the zone but i seem to achieve something close to what im aiming at
i forgot to mention a few people who i havent found here : great idols of me :
tobin ... shadow ... coldcut ... hextatic ... squarepusher ... aphex twin
no order of importance, probably forgot a lot
minter ... fairlight ... booze design ... triad
forgot a WHOLE lot
maybe misspelled a few but
i prefer to pick my own teachers so
i hope @lemouth is not too overburdened if im in a physics mood and come pouncing out of nowhere :D
wink , right ...
from synapses to fingertips ...
i would like to get ALL of the aforementioned on steemit but i dont have their phone number
id like to put Grant Cardone in charge of sales and marketing as the witness of the ministry of marketing, id give him a share ofcourse
i'd like roberto sapolsky and professor bloom to do a q&a weekly here, they can give the proceeds to their favourite research foundation BUT
that's not talking crypto is it ?
you know and
ive been dealing with funny people all my life, its unavoidable if you're a little introvert bookwurm kid who blushes when people look at you
but the smiley ones are fairly new to me
this neo "im not wearing a suit"-thing while they obviously are is all new to me you see, because down here
people like that ARE usually the enemy
they're are either scam artists, ore messenger-dogs for the expensive suits
i might not fit in here, but i WAS born here
dimension-cat lives in many worlds , unseen like a pack of schroedinger cat-nests as i love to say repeatedly
you never know what you get until you open the box because
what ?
well yea ... hold the candle high or there's nothing to reach out for
i can get from zero sql to printing out a table via php in 90 minutes, if thats fast or not i dont know
but i cant make a video like that in 90 minutes and i doubt they did either
YEARS of unpaid programming practice, precious, did you know btw
freestyle coders are assumed to be slightly apt at music as well in some dastardly psycho-research it turns out
it's all about "composing" ...
you gotta have the flow inside before it gets on paper
something like that
am i talking about me ?
one of my hot topics
did you think i was ?
i would LOVE to create shit like that
its what i aim for
fairlight too
even if i'll never reach it
it's what i AIM for
i dont need to boast , right, i know im already above average in some departments and way below in others
ive known that since i could read
around kindergarten somewhere
the shy A-grade kid was looking at the world
all those kids
and stuff running around doing kid-stuff
standing against the wall, SCARED
you have no clue
that was me
but that isnt me anymore
and all the same
all the people in between, the ones you heard about
some people come at me with like info they clearly got from 20 or more years ago like "people never change"
that's right
the core never does but they seem blind to the core
you know why that is ?
they have a squared out mind
schools KILL minds
schools turn everything to the common denominator
in order to make YOU understand THEM
(that would be the schooled ones)
thats how "the program" (its REALLY called that or is it not?)
changes by the generation
so the previous generation can understand the new one
that's the essence of official schooling
its not about teaching
its about molding
its about hammering you into a shape that fits in the machine , without going on too much about "society" and other cliché's that loose attention immediately, but that's what its about
to use another insta-defocus cliché , its about preserving the status que
the old gen wants to imprint onto the new gen, in order to make the NEXT gen still recognizable ?
no, its simply basic biology in the metaverse
survival instinct if you will
think about it, and you know i'm right
they leave no room for new life to claim its own existence
from the level of white blood cells to the macrocosmos
the metaverse is pretty simple
core laws apply
i dont know where i started precious, i just know i started typing
do you want me to scroll up to see what i was gonna say because im fairly sure i had no intention whatsoever
dotdotdot you ask ?
that was period
gotta take a piss brb
hmm right on time
you thought i was on a MYWITNESS and accountsisupport advertising spree ? i dont do politics .. its not in me, like competition ... which is too often mistaken for me being someone you can walk over
shy agrade kid though i might have been, as this is the gravelpits i did spend 10 sundays of years in the nationalist youth movement, i have no issues with those people, its nothing like the american arian nation but i can tell you its not bible class either
i would have preferred to spend those sundays on that commodore 64 ... but that was not allowed
times were different
im not THAT complex, precious ...
not if you get your head out of your ass
if i call someone a nigger i think they look like mtv
if you misunderstand that
i dont think thats my problem
most people here would misunderstand it
because to me it's personal
and to most here (and frankly, considering the situation and how the government treats everything in the name of PC ..i cant blame them) its general
people are people
wherever you go ...
i'm not propagating anyone or anything and if you can't get past the f or n words
then think about the fact that half the belgian government OWNS FN-herstal
is a weapons dealer and i get blamed for ... for what exactly ?
i never got into a fight with anyone that wasnt flemish until last year either ... can you imagine that ?
i didnt ask for that
and im not going into that
safe to say, as anonymous stole that line from me
forgiveness is not an option after i'm put in public and made to go to the cops to defend myself for something i havent done
that's a fatwah on yow ass as the muslims would say, so
is this le spam ?
at least i dont get downvoted anymore
if i were a witness ?
if i were a witness id upvote people who bring in big accounts with money and
content can come later
when everyone can eat ...
that's usually enough to set most off as most dont need it
basically if you scrape off the lies
its what everyone wants ...
what else if i were a witness ?
id invite gabe newell to be a witness
collude with steam as steem is the ideal blockchain for steam since it has zero transaction fees, about all games in existence that are pay-to-play
like i expect one i wont name right now to be if it ever kicks off
(doesnt mean i dont wanna see it, like i said, we all wanna eat, question is : are you selling peacock feathers or immersion ? dont look at me, i'll only be convinced when i see it, desert online was interesting for about 50 minutes for instance ...)
what else
an awareness campaign on how the system needs to make sure it can handle in and out instead of pension fund mentality
imagine 1 million accounts all at once power down in 40 years because they did the right way and waited for the pension fund
ask @josephsavage how that would turn out
dont take my word for it
constant in and out and
so you can stop asking now
advertising money
fast fee-less transactions as a service
and ofcourse SMT's although
hold on
youble is playing one of my favourites
i have my @goldmanmorgan virtual simulated token for what
six months now ?
you think that's boasting but that's YOU talking
what you DONT see is the fact that this thing here can HANDLE ALL OF THAT without the need to hardcode it
but i suppose for the general public it would need adaptation-for-dummies (ouch, yea okay ill give you that one)
it doesnt NEED hardcoded communities, you HAVE communities if i look at the #ghs or #steemstem global homesteading collective or steemstem for one
like WORLDS apart
total communities
been going on for
ever ? like ?
didnt wait for the hardcoding until someone told them "now you can have communities" i think you're stressing ole' @ned out a bit too much
if i were a profiler id say he didnt grow up with a daddy who trained him to lead
and you fucking carrion feeders arent helping
let me post this first so i see the hit on my RC
1.22% lol
yea i actuall ran out of RC not too long ago and on most of the accounts i wanna keep going i run out constantly but
i can keep myself divided
i'll be your Frankenstain
i was gonna say stein but i typo'd stain
and then i thought well
that's a poetic way of expressing it
a stain on your vision
like piss in your eyes
it's okay, precious ... look up the statistic on the probability on how many of your precious would read anything like this this far and then still understand what its saying as i dont even remember the last paragraph myself ?
wants me to wake up but
when it sees me it wants me to leash myself
like "please leash yourself now"
i was doing fiiiiiiine before i got stuck here
now please leash yourself
they dont get this Crypton thing, right ?
the hard-core ... like .. people who might be totally unlike me since its a bubble universe
its not about "HAVING" money
its the ability to not be leashed
thats what its about
and that's why the old gold king is fighting it
not about what you can buy to put on a pile to die on
about going where you want WHEN you fucking want it
that's what it started about ?
mhhh... the whitepaper or the goons in the chatroom ?
be not deceived by the crypto-anarchists
most of them are crypto-capitalists
they want not freedom
they want the lambo
they are not natives
as gefopt goes ...
i dont know
do we have requests ?
i bow to no man
you know my gods
im a polytheist agnostic
i got christians
i got muslims
and the others dont make noise
at 1.22% i can post a lot, right
i still feel @ned unless thats been changed, posting it directly is a total waste of future resource
you dont have to tell me , i know its just a wad of data you can grep out if you like
its still a mess if you put all the edits in
it certainly doesnt make things private or anonymous but
its not my company either and
it's de-centralized
dont you wanna kick those fuckers in the face, like
wtf did they ever DO ?
you sit there , trying to keep it running
bouncing here to there
all over the place, probably some larrimer up your ass still and i bet some justin too
and those goblins like (trolls would be too much for the likes of that) piss all over it without zero constructive ideas
i wish i could stay that pokerfaced in a situation like that
i am not salvation but
i wouldnt pay too much attention to the whiners like that
whiners ruined world of warcraft too
it never became everquest
yea well
we're all here
we just dont have money, do we kids?
the kids say no
so what about the children ?
i would like to address (since you asked me what id do as a witness) my fellows-in-power
what do you suggest ?
we feed them "content" to keep them here ?
or we go into a circlejerk losing money all the time
you dont get respect just for having money
its 2019
gravelpits ...
you dont get respect for having money
forget about that
i think the current situation suits the giants fine
they're the only ones left with a vote thats worth anything
the whale dick is sucked even HARDER right now
i came into this reading the propaganda
i found out after four hours its an us-only community
and i'm glad to see that's changing :)
i dont give a shit about your giants
your giants clearly arent helping the price up and to me
1 cent a steem is the same as 30 cents a steem = not enough
its only enough at 2 or better 5
but to them
thats a LOT of fiat they claim to absond so lets not turn the monologue that way
here have a tune by one of the girls i didnt get to fuck before both of us were too old
ah back half past ten already
if i keep it up for a week i might be at my bio-rythm again
you know
they tried
that's why its sometimes funny to see people try
like , only less hard and less persistent
30 years later
but they tried and it worked
i DONT settle
but i think what they meant was obey
now i dont blame them as they are simple folk
supreme working class
the kind that dies in the mud to keep the king and queen safe
the kind to break your teeth out and offer you a beer five minutes later when you go too far
me, precious ?
i can't go too far, if anything im not goin far enoug since
they still dont get it
they tried
a lot
like a LOT like, right ...
most people i remember got stuck in following orders, a lot of them still do today and i betcha fiver you'd rather meet a cop like that than a guy who went into it after some trauma or because its close by, a few exeptions
since they have this "sense of justice" right
i do too
but as i'm a mutant
it didnt quite work out into "obey" for me ...
so your left and your right wing and all that utter crud ?
you have no idea
how laughable that is from this here point of view
us and them exists
left and right ?
the resistance
ALWAYS wins in the end, precious
its only natural
debatable topic ?
take it from a schroedingers perspective
if the resistance doesnt win there's no one left to speak
in which case you'll never know
so that's a blank at any given time or dimension in space
so the resistance always wins
if it doesn't
the virus eats it
all of it
all in the metaverse
if you're a cat
like kiplings cat
jumping from one roof to another as the sun starts shining to find a shady place
you understand
there is no ill will
except against us
because we are not controlled
btw ...
i still wanna do a week-end there when the steemprice rises
i prefer not to get shot
im sure i wont get mugged because
im sure ill get shot before i let that happen :D
lol and stuff, right ?
i'll be me
as i did in paris, no one shot me there
nothing to prove
just wanna cat around a bit
i prefer to announce it when i might enter gangland lol
(lollll ... not really, is it ?
i mean lol
why not benidorm , right ?
curiosity killed the cat
they say
so far it hasnt but
i think sometimes thats another reason why they keep me out of money
yea id be a tourist but
actually in my three nights in paris
walking around with no phone as everyone told me they would mug me
i met ONE motherfucker coming up to me
and i can tell you i swarmed
i didnt even know what he was saying
but you know
you should read the lyrics
not think how it sounds
mmh, i was gonna say let's have a quiz i'll give a steem to the winner but the markdown doesnt allow videos in tabs (no offense, i can see how that would be pretty hard to do without paying for your own servers)
so, let's not ...
the question was which one do you think i lean most close to ?
its daylight since i quit
did you miss the last 30 years ?
yea its vampire thing or something
and i think im god
that too
i can conclude this at least
does not have a dick AND is not a cunt
it's a pretty lame concept with not much fire to it if you take it as a single entity
that concludes this post
.... well
you know
life ends when it stops
even if you think i'm studying you
you're still on my to-do list
FLINT, precious
its propagised on "the net" like something like london, paris and marseilles combined
b/c no one talks about the parts of brussels they blew up and the fact that its the easiest part of europe to buy a gun but
i could manage paris but i think id need a guide
to do marseilles or flint
as a tourist
a guide, you know
when the steem price rises, right ?
i'm an emotional vampire too
i <3 real life
its not stories
its got POWER
like hatebreed, right ?
its a total shame
like back when eminem used to rap on speed
i'm still gonna call you nigger, nigger
until you understand
i know
but you dont seem to
i cant stand hippiecrites
be they black or white
if i am allowed to translate ?
i have a hard time sympathizing with your great grand daddy being a slave
while your ring don't cost a thing like love is a ho in a lambo ?
that's it, right ?
lets get to the goodies
ofcourse i'll jump you when you come at me like that
ofcourse i'll doubt myself when i wake up
i thought we understood eachother ?
i am VERY posessive
that's why i dont get into relationships until my life is settled anymore
et al
yea dont worry, baby
i'll push you down into that matrass and make you scream before you utter any sound as usual
afterwards you can throw things at my head and tell me
i wonder why
how many now, precious ? they think they are alone, i died many years ago
i told you not to talk to me during daylight
and you think its a mental thing
dont make me say i told you so
Odin gave up an eye
i feel blessed to be temple of the cat and not a fatalist
you know why that is ?
i learned about distant worlds before i made my decision
you ARE a particle in the grand scheme of things
you choose
if there's any repeating pattern
they do that every time
every fucking time
I am a bit overburned :)
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