Odin's Eye Headlines 5/29/2017: Older than Stonehenge: Scotland's Skara Brae Ruins + Saving Elfdalian, the Ancient Viking Forest Language of Sweden

Here's a brief overview of the headlines you missed today on Odin's Eye Media:
Older than Stonehenge: Scotland's Skara Brae Ruins

By a picturesque beach, on one of the most windswept coasts of Scotland, there stands a series of stone-walled, grass-covered burrows that look as if they were built by the same set designers who created Hobbiton for Peter Jackson's Tolkien films.
They're so quaint you almost expect Bilbo Baggins or Gandalf to emerge at any moment.
Help Save Elfdalian, the Ancient Viking Forest Language of Sweden

The ancient Viking language of Elfdalian has been almost entirely wiped out, with only 3,000 people in a tiny forest community in Sweden currently keeping it alive. People having been fighting to revive the historic tongue by bringing it back to schools before it vanishes completely. However, the Swedish Government still treats it as a dialect only, and campaigners are pushing for the ancient Viking tongue to be officially recognized as a language. A petition in support of its language status is rapidly gaining momentum.
Stay tuned tomorrow, for we shall be posting more. Hail the gods, hail the folk!! - Heathen Howl