Ode to Ziplock Bags
So small and thin,
Your skin
So clear
Your mouth wide open
In hungry anticipation
You are the empty vessel
I crave to be,
The unassuming void
That receives...
And questions...
How I would love to be you.
seronegative arthritis. All work is original.
Follow me: (https://steemit.com/@girlwithoutwings)
I really like the twist you were able to put on this. It accomplished depth and makes tge reader think. When you can do that with something as mundane as a ziplock bag, you're good. Good luck with the competition.
Ah thank you so much <3 I'm feeling melancholy haha
love it!!!! :-)
Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I have literally no idea where it came from. My head's full of nonsense. I need a good slap :)