in #oddee7 years ago
  1. No dirty tires in "Tinysota"
    In Minnetonka, Minnesota, it is illegal to drive "a truck or other vehicle whose wheels or tires deposit mud, dirt, sticky substances, litter or other material on any street or highway." That's right, your tires had better be clean or you're considered to be in violation of the law. If everyone actually follows these rules, then Minnetonka must have the cleanest streets in the nation.


  1. Pets cannot molest your car in Kentucky
    Yes, we're using the formal, legal version of "molest," which isn't sexual, but instead means to pester or harass, but either way it seems strange that Fort Thomas, Kentucky feels it necessary to outlaw pets from molesting passing vehicles. I guess they had a problem with too many dogs chasing cars, but pets don't generally care if there are laws banning what they want to do.17321808461_acb446e8b9_z.jpg

  2. No cars on the roof in Alaska
    I guess Mitt Romney wouldn't be able to take any family vacations there since he seems to think man's best friend belongs on the roof of a car, but for the rest of us, this Anchorage, Alaska law should be common sense. To be fair, the law was written to ban people carrying their dogs loose in the back of trucks where the pup might get hurt, but in practice, it also prevents dogs from riding on car roofs as well.7647649612_ab7d3194fa_z.jpg

  3. In New Jersey pets must wear seatbelts
    You know how important it is to buckle your seat belt, but most people don't think twice about putting their pup in the car or back of a truck without a restraint. Failure to do so can result in a ticket that will cost you between $250 to $1000 -which is particularly high considering a ticket for a human not wearing a seat belt is only $46192872346_b76db0f98a_z.png

  4. Watch out for Teen drivers in South Dakota
    Terrified of teen drivers? You'd better stay out of South Dakota, where the legal age to obtain a license is only 14. Of course, if you're a parent tired of driving your teen everywhere, you might want to move there.4463172187_5ba08f6933_o.png

CULLED FROM: www.oddee.com