Hemp Facts Explained

in #ocd7 years ago (edited)


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When many of us hear the word hemp we may think of marijuana or hashish. Interestingly, hemp was a common fiber used in clothes and food for centuries, long before it was prohibited in the United States. The information I will be sharing will hopefully dispel some of the falsities regarding hemp, and hopefully you will become a supporter of this amazing ancient seed.

Hemp Facts


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Hemp is a fiber and seed taken from the Cannabis Sativa plant and has been used for over 12,000 years for a variety of reasons. For many cultures hemp was used for food and clothing, and it has been used to industrialize rope, canvas, paper, textiles, and synthetics. Currently, the largest distributor of hemp has been China, but Australia and Canada have taken an interest in hemp production over the years.

Hemp originated in Central Asia, and traces of this seed can be found going back to 2800 BC. Fiber from the seed was used throughout the Mediterranean and Europe. Around 1500 BC, there is evidence that hemp seed was planted in Chile and in North America around 1600 BC.

In modern times, with the advancement in plant breeding and manufacturing processes the ability to make hemp softer has allowed for the ability to weave hemp into clothing and fabrics. The following video shows the importance of hemp during World War II, and prior to its prohibition nearly 50 years ago in America.

Hemp seed not only provides sustainable fibers, but it also makes biodegradable plastics and fuel. Amazingly enough, the hemp seed also makes food. The hemp seed is high in nutrition and energy bars, salad dressings, milk, hemp oil vitamin supplements, and protein powder is being made from this one tiny resource.


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According to the United States Marijuana Prohibition Act (“MPA”), hemp is the seed part of the cannabis plant, while the flower is legally a part of the plant that is called marijuana. The fiber and seeds part of this plant is often called “cash crop,” due to its value. Until recently, the MPA has not allowed for the growth of hemp within the United States for over 50 years.

We have seen an opening up of hemp production due to the State of Colorado changing the law, and the restart of industrial production. Therefore, we now see hemp oil, plastic, building material, fiber, and food back on the market within the United States. The industry is highly monitored but we are seeing a monetary boom, and independence of state from federal government within the State of Colorado alone.

Hemp Plant


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The best soil to grow a hemp plant is partial sand, clay, and silt. The plant prefers high drainage and can reach a height of 16 feet tall. The plant prefers a monthly rainfall of about two to three inches throughout the growing season.

Depending upon what the plant is being grown for there are different ways to grow the plant. For instance, if the plant is going to be used for oil, then planting the trees farther apart is recommended.

If the plant is being grown for seed production, the flowers will grow elongated with spike clusters and this type of growth is female in nature. If the plant is being grown for flowers then the branches will grow in clusters with full blossoms and shed, this type of growth is male in nature.

Hemp Fiber


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The hemp fiber processing takes a water soaking process called retting, drying, and crushing. The process will produce an approximate six foot long strand. The hemp fiber is usually not dyed and keeps its original natural color varying from yellow, green, dark brown, or gray. The fiber in its original form is strong, durable, spongy, and coarse.

Some countries add another step to the processing and the color produced is white and this will create a linen type fabric.

Hemp Food


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Hemp seed oil is a nutritional source of protein, fiber, and magnesium. The shelled part of hemp seeds are called hearts and can be eaten raw. The most common use is to sprinkle on salads, blend into smoothies, or use as milk. The seed can also be used for bird food.

As a healing medicine, the hemp oil can be used to heal chronic pain, and a few people I have spoken to hemp seed can heal diseases.

Hemp Debunked


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  • Hemp will not get you high, but it does contain .3% THC. A feeling of euphoria or a headache may occur. You also may feel like you took a laxative. Hemp can cure constipation.
    Hemp was first located on an island off of mainland China, where material from clothing was found.

  • The North American Industrial Council has determined that more than 25,000 products can be made from hemp. The word canvas can be traced back to the word hemp. The flags first created in America were made of hemp.

  • During the 1600’s landowners in America were regulated to grow hemp. The Jamestown settlement was ordered by decree to grow 100 plants for export to Britain.

  • Many celebrities and US senators are in favor of making hemp seed legal throughout the the country. The understanding is that it will create a boost in the economy and jobs.

  • For years there was a disbelief throughout the USA that hemp seed was a mandated source of economy. It was not until the video Hemp for Victory, was found and shared that it was a proven fact.

  • Nutrients found in hemp seed are also found in breast milk. Hemp is rich in gamma linolenic acid, omega-3, and fatty acids.

  • Every part of hemp can be used, including the stalks. According to scientist David Mitlin leftover hemp stalks can be used to store energy. Small super-capacitors were built with hemp and bursts of energy were recorded that charged an iPhone for two hours.

In conclusion, if you have not had the time to research the facts about hemp seed, hopefully this will peak your curiosity to give hemp further consideration, and to give an ancient seed credit for a more sustainable future for humankind. Peace.


Hey @eagle-spirit, what a well written and informative write-up (as usual, I might add)! Education helps de-stigmatize this subject and many people, self included, have benefitted.

I have felt incredibly fortunate to live in Colorado. We've had tremendous support and innovation in the arenas of natural healing.

hey @intuitivejakob, how are you?! what a lovely comment and i am honored that you find my posts well written and informative. that means a lot to me.
i thought you loved hemp? the other part ahahahahahah
anyhoo, yes this is a great ancient seed, and i have to say i am in love with it.
yes colorado is the fckn bomb! i am so happy i moved her from very restrictive states like NY and CA.
blessings brother. xx

They should never have stopped making things from hemp and growing it in the USA. I think all countries would benefit from having their own hemp production, just look at all the things that you can make with it and all the benefits from it. Great post my fabulous friend. :D Thanks for sharing it. :D Hugs. :D
God bless you and your family. :D Have an awesome day! :D

@frostyamber i totally agree! all countries would definitely benefit .. look at the list of the productivity ... you are so lucky that this is legal in your country! how are you sweet lady! i have missed you much. blessings always and forever!! thank you so much for stopping by and giving my post some love. xx

Its not totally legal here until this summer but its been available by prescription for a long time now. It will better once its legal though. Nobody will have to worry about the police busting them for having a plant or two for personal use and I'm sure they'll put some sort of regulations in place for all those that wish to sell it.
You're welcome, I enjoyed my visit. :D I up vote all the posts that make me smile and/or laugh out loud. :D
God bless you my fabulous friend. :D Have an awesome day! :D

hey there my lady, how are you? interesting that the research i did said it is one of canada's largest commodities and leader next to China.
Nowhere did it say it was only summer, although that makes sense in only the weather would have a contributing factor?
oh interesting regarding selling.
What made you LOL? Hugs and Blessings always. xx

I'm good, a bit snowbound at home but I don't mind that. :D No, sorry I think you misunderstood me, it will be legal year round but it doesn't become legal until this June or July, I can't remember which.
The foolishness of our governments and the wastefulness of not producing it in every country, the jobs, the products, etc...could have been in place and helping each country clear up their deficits and improve so much, but they quit and wasted so many years not growing it to the benefit of all their citizens, its ludicrous and made me LOL in a sarcastic way, but it still counts. :D
Hugs to you my fabulous friend. :D God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

OH Interesting, I found a law that in Canada it has been law for awhile. Maybe in your Provence of Canada? Just like here Colorado is legal but no other State for Hemp. Maybe that has changed, but that was what my last research found.
Ludicrous! I love that word and agree.
LOl sarcastic ... Hee hee love that
Hugs, God Bless, Be happy always. xx

Hmm, the last I read its not supposed to be legal until July 1st this year, but as of yesterday the news channels CBC, CTV, Global were all saying it may not be, so I'm not sure where you saw that it was legal here already? I'd be interested to see what you saw that said it was already legal here. Maybe your mixing up prescription marijuana and recreational marijuana. Prescription has been legal for a long time but recreational is supposed to become legal this July and each province will get to decide how/where to sell it. All recreational users are supposed to be allowed to have up to 30 grams for personal use.
I love the look and sound of the word ludicrous but don't get to use it as often as I'd like, but when it comes to marijuana legislation it definitely fits. :D LOL. :D
Hugs to you lovely lady. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Until recently, the MPA has not allowed for the growth of hemp within the United States for over 50 years.

Noo waayy!!!!! This is so crazy. Such an essential part of the market just taken out because the plant is also used for marihuana...

Therefore, we now see hemp oil, plastic, building material, fiber, and food back on the market within the United States.

And this is absolutely logical! A plant with so many uses really has no business being banned.

Thank youuu for sharing all these interesting facts. You really make a big effort on your posts. It's appreciated. <3

Hello @cryptosharon, thank you for stopping by and giving my post some attention. Yes, this is a very interesting option for humanity. I used to feel hemp was taboo and then when I started to do more research for myself and found the history, it was very enlightening to say the least.
No business being banned for sure. It is not banned in China or Canada as explained. So it is NOt a bad "drug."
You are very welcome for my share and I appreciate your kindness in noticing how much work goes into my posts. Blessings.

I do believe that you have outdone yourself @eaglespirit ^_^

A very comprehensive and informative post that deserves to be pinned as a top read source for all things hemp-related (and worth far more than 7 days of payout).

Hemp was on my radar but you successfully brought it front and center. :c)

Awww there you are @pathforger, how are you? I've missed you! Are you on Discord? I want to invite you to a group that has an initiative to not only build others to be Dolphins, but also help those achieve 1k SP, like Task has helped so many. I'd like to invite you to this group!

Thank you so much for your compliment, I am honored. So nice and sweet of you to like my post that much.
Hemp was on your radar, really? What made you think of it? I have been taking this oil I bought in Aspen. It is AMAZING! There are three different grades, I wanted to share that but got carried away with the basic facts and video I found. I felt this was a good intro to just the important highlights of the importance of hemp. It's a truly amazing seed. Hugs.

Hello there @eaglespirit :c)

I am nursing a bit of a cold but it is something thats going around and I'm 'this' close to fending it of so I am alright. ;c)

Always enjoy your insightful and colourful posts.

Hemp and Cannabis have both been upon my radar because they are natural plants that have been banned for reasons of convenience at some point in our past - along with others - setting off a cascade of misery and denial of prosperity, well-being and happiness, along with the contrived bloating of convenient cheap labour pools (aka prison populations) to sweeten the deal for those of far weaker ethical than business sense.

My stake is to see this from a less than positive perspective. 'shrugs'

Thanks again for sharing this with us - and it'll be interesting to see how you expand upon this in future. :c)

Take care. 'hugs'

Thank you kindly for the invitation. Yes I can be found on Discord (even if I may have been neglecting my presence upon that medium this past 3 months since something on there came to an end.

Hey there@pathforger, I sent you a message on Discord and we want you in our group. It is up and coming and in relation to our beloved Task.
It is the spirit of giving and you are the type of person we want on board. It is to assist those minnow who are not being seen and then to assist older ones to become Dolphins.
I am glad you were looking into the plants, there is a reason for the banning and from my writing you know why. Big companies mostly who wanted to make money and keep us enslaved is the bottom line. Go figure.
I'm so happy you are feeling better, so many people got that flu and have remained sick for weeks. Makes you wonder about if they are succeeding in killing us off, except for the ones who ended up dying were babies. Sick bastards!
Please respond to my discord message so I can get you that invite. We need good people like you, your writing is fantastic and I know you will participate and give awesome advice and just be an all around excellent person to have around. Period. xx

I have since spoken with you about joining. Thank you kindly for the invitation :c)

I think that you'll enjoy a quick read of this... ^_~

Oh and thank you for near-enough flattering me to death! My cheeks are about to go into meltdown. :cP

Yay Path! I'm so glad you joined and you are a lovely addition. You keep it real in there and keep people on your toes. Just as I knew you would. That's exactly what was needed. Hee Hee
Flattery and meltdown .. yay! LOL xx

My name is Uncle Sam and I say you can't grow that. No! Because I said so and that's all you need to know. Who cares if we could make enough money to pay off the national debt by it's production and cultivation. Who cares if it would ease our dependence on foreign oil by adding to the production of biodiesel fuels and plastics. You can't do that. No! You can't do that just because, because I said so and if you do I'll penal-lize you. (meaning I'll stick it to you and break it off inside you) Yep. I said that

oh no @spozone is baaackkkk LOL
Yes Sir, you are absolutely correct in government, politics, companies and everything else who made the decision to enslave humankind. Amen!
Break it off inside you ... Buahahahahahahaahahh .. You slay me man!! xx

It's true, it's true... It's the biggest lie "they" have ever pulled off on the people.
Genesis 1:11-12 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. [12] And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
God saw that it was good! Man said it is illegal and punishes you.... Go figure.

Yay, we have a photo of you!! Excellente
Yes I agree .. you are talking to the choir menggggg

Yeah I may be slow, but I do my best to keep my word for it is a true bond unlike that of a government gone wrong. Hey I'd like to invite you into another challenge
@photoflashfiction. that @traciyork is doing on her blog. I think it's right up your alley for you are a talented wordsmith. I am finding it quite challenging and helpful in bringing back a creative spirit. I hope to see you there. Sending you some nice warm energy to make Steem with.

yay, that is so kind! i like traciyork. I will go there and see what we can do, can we work as a team? sounds great!! xx

IDK about the team thing but I've been thinking about the latest picture now for an hour or so and don't know what to think about it. The last one though... I wrote a poem. Imagine that. Seems odd. I bet something will pop in your head about the dew on the grass.

Whateverssszzzz .... Poem .. Wow! thats impressive ... i want to rad it now. Dew .. that sounds nice. xx

Thank you for such a comprehensive post of Hemp. That is such a wonderful plant filled with so much industrial potential.

hello @impatientoptim i appreciate your kind words and consideration. i love this plant and totally see how giving this little seed can be for all of us. blessings

I live outside of the US, but I would consider growing some, mostly for food. This reminds me of Bruce's car

This is pretty funny, and yes food is the best medicine. :p

Well they will anything for the war on drugs. Here in our country if you are caught with an illegal substance you may be summarily executed with the justification that you are a casualty on the war on drugs.

Yet traditionally it has many uses.

@maverickinvictus, thankfully the state i live in hemp is legal. also, marijuana is now legal in many states even though federally illegal. its complicated lol
strange how a known ancient herb used for medicine would be considered a reason for execution. talk about being under the control of the government. i'm so happy i do not live in such a controlled state i'd have to hurt some people. LOL
thank you for your comment and coming by to show your support. xx
i can't wait to read your ghost story!! woo hooo

Great piece and great topic. It is unbelieveable that a simple plant can be so heavily regulated. At what point did someone think to make laws against nature.

Thank you so much @freedomepoint. anyone who has the word free in their name is definitely my friend! :)
Is it not amazing, which goes to show you how many would be out of business!! Someone who had something to gain I would say .. not uncommon in USA. xx

We try to be as free as possible. If we are regulated in everything else, we can atleast be free in our mind.

Free is the only way to live! Hugs.

Well written @eaglespirit! There truly are so many uses for hemp. If only we utilized it more.

Thank you so much @backlau, I totally agree with you. Very much so. I forgot to post some of the oil I have been using for medicinal purposes and it is really amazing. It was lightly mentioned but it is definitely an amazing seed. Blessings.

Nice. That's added to my knowledge about hemp – I didn't know planting distances affected what the end product. AND it can charge your iPhone! Cool stuff.

Anj x

@anjkara, thank you for stopping in and giving my post some love and comment. yes distances are interesting right!? yes, this little seed has great power. LOL


I'm more familiar with the flower end of the plant :D

Anj xx

the end ... heehee
i bet you are, that's why youre mah girl!
why are you being ghost today? :p

Ah, my kid's off school. He's got flu or a really heavy cold. We've been binge watching youtube and netflix. He's watching something shite now so I decided to come back in here :D


Poor babyboy!!!! what did you watch, we never got to talk about that ...shite is not so good. LOL yay I had you for a little bit today ... makes my day girly! xx

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