"Meeting Ousman"
Happy saturday everybody! :)
Three weeks ago, Oussman Noreni came in Paris and told me he wanted to do a lightpainting session with me. I was really enthusiastic because he wanted to visit a quarry. As I don't do LP very often since my severe hip injury during falls, I was really down for it 😎
Light calligraphy : Oussman Noreni x me
Caption and lighting of the quarry : me
Lightpainting created in real time, captured to the camera in one single photographic frame.
No layers /no Photoshop / no editing exept minor adjustments (lens correction profite, WB, contrast (+12)) and addition of my logo.
Gear :
Canon EOS 6D body
Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM lens
Canon RC-E6 IR remote
Zomei carbon tripod
Settings :
100 ISO
100 ISO
Feb 2020
If you want to see more lightpainting pictures, check "Lightpainters United" @lightpaintershub
Amazing, I love it. I'd love to see the tool you used to create the 'dotted' lines if you'd care to share sometime 🙂
For the "dots" I use a LED stripe mounted like a saber, with a momentary switch.