Deranged Photography Contest - "Me and chess"
amateur level
Hello friends, today I want to be present in this activity, organized by the friend @derangedvisions, invites us to tell stories by means of photographs, I have always liked to play chess, I have participated in local tournaments, finding good results, I always practice and analyze plays of the great teachers, as a training model, today I wanted to share this experience and invite them to practice it, it is a good therapy for mental illnesses, since it exercises brain connections, I took the photographs with my Panasonic brand camera - Lumix model - in automatic mode of 10 sec shooting (Auto photo).
"Me and chess"
I always see chess, as a game where there are defense and attack strategies, you have to go slowly placing your pieces in precise places, then after having a plan, carry out the attack, that has been my strategy and I I like to play this way.
Un concurso fino. Participare
Suerte betza
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el ajedrez es un juego muy educativo
Friend, you look cute on those glasses.
Posted using Partiko Android
thank you friend for your beautiful messages, you are special, greetings and greetings
That's awesome! I used to play so much chess in high school that I would dream about it. Chess is like photography and music; it doesn't matter where you're from or what language you speak, two complete strangers from completely different cultural background and who could not otherwise communicate could sit down with any of those three things and immediately become friends.
that's how friend is chess is a language, it's a way of life, it's art of survival is the maximum