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RE: Weekend Recap ~ Market Days at The Porch Stand, Moving Forward

Oh gosh, I can relate. I've done farmers' markets, festivals, and craft fairs. When they go well it's a double plus - good money and not much to pack up afterward. When they're slow it's a double minus - little money and lots to pack up.

This was all before Twitter and if I was doing it now I'd learn how to use the darn thing and use that to let people know specials and things. Give a small discount to people who mention that they're following you?

Don't know if you've ever watched those food truck race shows? The people who tweeted did much better than the ones who didn't. Maybe your customers don't tweet, but some of them might and those are the ones who'd bring in more customers.

Your produce looks a-MAZ-ing! And fresh meats? And from your other posts you do prepared meals too? You are ready for the world to find you! I am going to have a little talk with God to send you some specific help and clear guidance for attracting happy, spending customers.


Thanks for the kind comments, and for the God request! I do Instagram and Facebook currently...I may have to do that twitter thing. It's free, so what can it hurt, right? I try to keep my internal ears open to suggestions from spirit, and I know that it'll all be okay. Frustrating sometimes, though. Maybe certain things at certain times...happy hour for fruities...something like that

I know zip about Twitter except that it's 'a thing' and good for marketing.
Happy hour for fruities! Maybe a punch card thing? (But that could be annoying if they didn't remember to bring their card.) Buy X amount and get X free or a discount on something else? When I sold plants I'd give a discount for buying 8 (I had carry boxes that held that many) and that helped sell more. Hey, maybe ask your good customers for ideas!

We currently do a drawing once a month, FB likes & shares gain entries, coming by to purchase is an entry, coming out in the rain is double entry! It like to storm on weekends, for some reason. I'm thinking a Wine & Cheese hour for Friday Market, with tastings...if no one shows up, I don't mind taking care of the overage! lolol. I've got my thinking cap on!

If I come through Corsicana I'll make sure it's on a Friday!

I'd love to meet you! I'm gearing up for our Saturday short market this week...have a couple of Bounty Basket orders that I've got to get together for pick-up. Have a wonderful weekend!

Since you're okay with the spirit and energy thing, I just remembered a little meditation that worked wonders for me.
First you imagine yourself and your business as a nice ball of light. Into that light you put all the reasons why people would love what you sell. Then you imagine all the people who would like to buy what you sell, seeing them as glowing balls of light too, like spread over a map. Next step is to send out rays of light from you to each of them and from each of them to all of the others - creating a web of light that connects you all. Bless that image and let it go to do its work in the real world. It's a fun exercise!
-- It is important to add the 'buy' part. I once forgot that part and had a little rash of shoplifting, people who wanted what I had but not to actually pay for it. :-[

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