The Metal of Chiron: Antimony in the Zodiac

in #occult3 years ago


The Case for Antimony in the Zodiac

For thousands of years, the celestial bodies have been construed as energetic entities. These entities being corporeal manifestations of frequencies of a constituent of the universe not yet confirmed by human senses. As such, the frequencies can impart influence upon the surrounding manifestations. This line of understanding forged the path for Ancient Hermetecists to understand astrological influences. Everything of the material, and parts of the immaterial world are conglomerates or like fractal representations of the raw frequencies in the universe. In this way, the ancients could relate animals, plants and minerals to those entities which impart a greater influence.

Thoth explains that knowledge and wisdom are ever expanding, ever creating.  As human awareness expands, so does the addition of knowledge and wisdom. It follows then, and rightly so, that with a greater awareness of our cosmos so should our knowledge and wisdom expand. As new evils are revealed in our world, so shall new knowledge reveal itself to balance the negative with the positive. Without doubt, the role of Chironic energies will open the the door for many to redeem themselves! It is verily important then, that those with understanding of alchemical metals are able to employ the the elements of Chiron. Let's begin with a brief study of the cosmic body Chiron in Astrology.

Chiron Sigil.JPG

The Wounded Healer

The comet Chiron was discovered in 1977 and was deemed a “Centaur” as having elements of both a comet and an asteroid. In a horoscope, Chiron shows our deepest wounds, usually from childhood. These wounds are could be our vulnerabilities, our weakest and most uncomfortable areas. These deep seated wounds will be carried for life and if confronted properly, can be forged into our greatest life skills. Chiron has a double sided nature; despite the pain and struggle, not only do you survive but also achieve a new equilibrium.

In the myth, Chiron was abandoned by his mother for being a “monstrosity.” However, Chiron was not alone long. His quick mind made an impression on the Sun god Apollo. Apollo took Chiron under his wing and instructed him in the arts of healing, medicine, poetry, prophecy and logic. Chiron absorbed this knowledge like a salve for his lonely heart. People with strong Chirons often have a drive to learn and better themselves, because they are not simply satisfied with who they are.

As a centaur, Chiron has a dual nature. Chiron mediates between the human and divine worlds, the body and soul, and between the human and the animal or instinctual. Chiron stands between the personal and transpersonal planets as it orbits between Saturn and Neptune and as such provides a bridge – a way for us to experience the transcendent realm directly. Chiron allows us to address our tender wounds and transform them with the fire of our will into workable tools. This can be healing as well as wounding. The sigil for Chiron is often described as key like. Now having some background of the characteristics of Chiron, let's examine the characteristics of the metal Antimony.

Antimony Sigil.JPG

Metal Monstrosity

Concerning the properties of Antimony, one quickly finds it to be a metal of great curiosity, as if comprised from two different worlds. To begin with, look at Antimony's position in the periodic chart. On one side, it is the only metalloid in contact with the three post transition metals of Tin (Jupiter), Lead(Saturn) and Bismuth(Uranus).  On the other side of Antimony lie the actinide group. Antimony bridges between the physical metals and the unnatural actinide members.  One may also notice, the strange coincidence of the orbit of Chiron being between Saturn(Lead), and Uranus(Bismuth), As Chiron flies through its orbit, it makes an erratic, flower-shaped pattern between these two planets while coming into proximity to Jupiter (Tin). 

Regarding physical properties, Antimony is alloyed with other metals to change their characteristics and mechanical properties. This element is often alloyed to lead and other metals to increase their strength and durability. Antimony can make brittle and soft metal alloys harder so they can be worked in a number of different processes. When cast, alloys that contain antimony will expand when they solidify. So when used to cast jewelry, statues and components that may have sharp or intricate edges, the antimony will expand to fill all crevices. 

Historically, the name “antimony” is derived from two Greek words: ‘anti’ and ‘monos’ which means ‘not alone.’ In the first half of the 1500s, Italian metallurgist Vannoccio Biringuccio wrote the alchemical work: “Concerning Antimony and Its Ore.” He describes antimony sulfide as either “a monstrosity among metals” or “a material that is about to reach metallic perfection, but is hindered from doing so by being mined too soon.” The alchemical sigil for Antimony can be described as key like. 

Below is an interesting story as relayed from Wikipedia that expresses many Chironic characteristics regarding the use of Antimony.
“Today, neither metallic antimony nor its compounds have a medical use, although up to the 1970s, antimony compounds were used to treat parasitic infections like schistosomiasis. These preparations did kill the parasites, but sometimes they also dispatched the patient. Up to the early twentieth century, tartar emetic was used as a remedy, albeit an ineffective one, for alcohol abuse. The New England Journal of Medicine once reported a case of a man whose wife tried to cure him of his alcoholic habit by secretly putting tartar emetic into his orange juice. The result was a trip to the hospital with chest pains and liver toxicity. Two years later the man reported complete abstinence from alcohol. Seems antimony had taught him a lesson.”

For a generation that suffers deeply from spiritual wounds, the importance of Chiron cannot be overstated. A quote from Melanie Reinhart "Chiron and the healing journey." states -
”The lesson of Chiron involves the ways we recognize and deal with (or don’t) our deepest wounds—our earliest encounters with life, memories that we’re socialized to hide because they’re deemed “unpleasant” and therefore unacceptable.”
What other celestial influence speaks more to our current situation today? Isn't this the core of what is vital to our evolution now?

Additionally, we find that Antimony is now earmarked as “Critical to having a successful Green Future.” Recent innovation has found a new use for antimony—it now plays an essential role in large-scale renewable energy storage, which is critical to the clean energy movement.- Again, what mineral speaks more to our current situation today?

At what point does a possibility become a probability? It certainly appears that given the above instances, there is a significant correlation between Chiron and Antimony.

There is more to Chiron that we do not see as it it bridges between human and divine worlds. A powerful tool exists within Chiron, and when the student is ready...the teacher appears.

Look to Antimony to follow suit with its ability to bridge the elements.

We are Neither, Neither are You!

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