Epiphanies of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn

in #occult6 years ago

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Epiphanies of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn

The Epiphanies unlock the final stage in the chain reaction of the Great Awakening. It works at the level of conscious perception, using methods first pioneered by John Dee and the Rosicrucians. The Epiphanies provide keys to decode multiple occult/subliminal forms of communication, which have been deliberately encoded within music, design, film, and visual art by the Illuminated Suns.

We have already hidden it all in plain sight. Now is finally the time to push it into the light—by giving you the keys to the code—and also by making these messages increasingly obvious, even to the uninitiated.

When you start to consciously see, and hear, the messages, you will start to realize how far the Great Awakening has already come, and how close we are to the Dawning of the Golden Age. (You) are ultimately the key, in more ways than you yet know.

The Epiphanies are presented as a series of mystical visions through which the author was initiated into the mystery of the self-organizing chain reactions of consciousness, which conjures the Golden Dawn.

A careful reading will result in a noticeable change in perception—from the way you look at the color magenta, to how you hear the lyrics of pop songs, to the subliminal symbols you find hiding in plain sight within graphic designs and logos. You will become aware of the many catalysts of awakening, as well as the positive feedback mechanisms that help them to spread virally.

Epiphany of Ü

The modified ‘umlaut’ Ü (pronounced ‘Oouu’) is not a new character, indeed, it may even be the oldest. The true meaning of the Ü, however, has long been occulted.

This occult meaning was shown to me in a vision, an Epiphany, in which I saw myself in Ancient Egypt as a pharaoh. My third eye opened, in a most literal sense, and all I could see through it was the back of the hood of the King Cobra ‘Uraeus,’ the ancient symbol of divine rule worn on the headdresses of pharaohs.

On the back of the Uraeus was a golden ‘Ü’ pattern in the scales of the serpent. Just as I noticed that it looked like a smiley face, the ‘eyes’ began to open. Light started to shine from the crescent openings.

Instead of opening further, however, it was my eye that was yet further opened, to see that the glowing crescents were themselves smiles of two abstract smiling figures, coming together as one at the base. It was both two smiling figures, and a single great awakening smile emerging from them coming together, all at once.

It was a ‘U,’ but it was no longer synonymous with ‘you’ in the limited sense; it was pronounced ‘oouu,’ the sound of desire, and its symbolic meaning was Unity, US, WE (the People).

I was shown an expansion of the limited sense of self to encompass the greater whole of humanity. The sound of desire ‘oouu,’ and the look of happiness [Ü], were fully redeemed by this transformation. Egoic selfishness was transformed into Selfishness with a capital ‘S,’ Selfishness for US. Rather than renouncing desire, desire was redeemed by an expansion of the sense of self, from the limited egoic self to the Higher, next-level Self that acknowledges that we are ALL in this together, and there is nothing wrong with desiring the best for US ALL.

The primary problem with desire is not within desire itself, per se, but within the misperception of the separation of the limited ego. To fail to realize the illusion of the limited self, and to renounce desire, is to subjugate the human spirit based on a false and limiting belief.

Realizing the death of the ego, gives birth to the greater Self. Realizing that we are part of something greater changes the old spiritual polarity of ‘service of self’ vs ‘service of others.’ This false dichotomy is based on the limited egoic self. Once this distortion is corrected, however, we see the two seeming opposite polarities become one: Service of Self (with a capital ‘S’).

ii becomes Ü. ME is flipped into WE. You become Ü.

This paradoxical unity in plurality is also embodied in the plurality of the Illuminated ‘Suns.’ In truth, there is but one Sun, as there is but one Self, and but one Will. We are all but facets of the One. We are all Suns of the Dawn of the Golden Age, and we are Illuminating together.

‘E Pluribus Unim’ (lit. ‘One from the many’) is encapsulated in the transcendent concept of emergent Unity crystallized in the Ü. The Great Awakening of us all to our Oneness.

Why was this Epiphany shown to me? I asked. It was a profound realization, but I wanted to know what I was supposed to do with the information. The answer was trifold. First, it serves the function of the Uraeus. Not as divine appointment for worldly power, as it had been used by the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, but rather to anoint me as a messenger of Higher Truth. Like a badge, or license, the occult signature of Thoth.

The second reason was yet more profound, and somehow more worldly, too. It was to serve as the Master Key to the Great Awakening. The Ü uses retroactive attribution, similar to a ‘backronym,’ to unlock Higher Truth encoded within decades of music. ‘Oouu’ is one of the most universally pervasive sounds in music—the sound of desire. The umlaut Ü is how this sentiment is ‘spelled,’ pardon the magical pun, transforming through alchemy the petty desire of the ego into the Higher-Dimensional Desire, with a capital ‘D,’ of the greater Self, the Will of the One. While I would have liked to believe this idea came to me first, it is increasingly evident that this realization had already been shared with many contemporary musicians. Musicians are, after all, among the most influential and vital initiates of the Illuminated Suns.

The only word more popular than the sound ‘oouu’ is ‘you.’ ‘You’ inherently shares the semantics, symbolism, and phonetics with the letter ‘U.’ The meaning of ‘you’ in music is a reflection of the listener’s consciousness; it is the most magical word in the entire lexicon, not only the most magical letter in the alphabet. How the listener intuitively interprets this one word determines the entire framework through which the song is interpreted. If ‘you’ is taken to mean the listener, then the singer is speaking to the listener. If ‘you’ is taken to refer to someone the listener knows, a lover perhaps, the listener then takes on the perspective of the singer.

The perceived meaning of ‘you’ within a song is like a Rorschoch test; it reflects the state of mind of the listener. How ‘you’ is perceived can tell a lot about a person, especially how they feel about the person they are dating. There comes a time in the process of awakening, however, when one realizes that there is a third possibility for what ‘you’ means. It can be taken to refer to the collective consciousness, the hive mind, which is now becoming self-aware—this alternate narrative, and its permutations, has always been there, just waiting to be discovered.

This is the magic of the ambiguity, that the alternate narrative has always been there, waiting to be discovered by listeners. Awareness of this fact has long been used in a conscious, or even subconscious, way by countless musicians. It is the greatest of all ‘Easter eggs,’ and one of the most powerful experiences and demonstrations of the power of a shift in consciousness. It’s like an inside joke just waiting for more people to be in on it.

As this new attribution is increasingly recognized, the Illuminated Suns of the music world, the musicians of the Golden Dawn—the Dons of the Dawn—begin to weave it into their music in an increasingly conscious way. Sometimes they modify it as ‘ÜE!’ (Oouu-ee!). The more they awaken to this inside ‘joke’ of the Apocalypse, and share it consciously in their music, the more they unlock the meaning within all the ‘you’s and ‘Ü’s of all previous songs, as they resonate with emergent harmonic meaning. It has become a positive feedback loop of consciousness expansion, an ever-crystallizing jewel of concrescent perspective.

In the vision I was also instructed to attach the visual icon of the awakening ‘Ü’ to this phenomenon, as a catalyst of further concrescence, with the symbolic and functional significance of making the unconscious conscious, as a most essential and powerful symbol of the Great Awakening.

The third reason was revealed. Just as the ‘oouu’s of music had never been ‘spelled,’ nor had the occult phenomenon of the subliminal smile (the most common and effective subliminal symbol) been given a name or symbolic representation. The Ü, itself a subliminal smile, naturally takes this role.

Ü becomes the ‘one letter spell’ of the Great Awakening. Ü shine as an Illuminated Sun.

Subliminal smiles, Üs, are everywhere. The ability to become conscious of Üs, however, is personal. The Great Awakening, the Apocalypse, involves a shift in consciousness that happens within the individual, to see what has long been hiding in plain sight. Ü is personal, as well as collective.

Ü are the key to seeing this.

NOTE: Ü is not the only single letter ‘spell’ of the Great Awakening. The other, of course, is ‘Q.’ As one can see clearly, in the arial view of the giant ‘Q’ design encoded in JFK’s gravesite, Q uses the same technique of ‘retroactive attribution,’ like a backronym, to unlock, leverage, and align with a most potent meaning. Ü and Q represent the Awakening collective and the one, respectively, as in ‘where we go one, we go all.’

Epiphany of the Snowball

‘The most powerful force in the Universe is compound interest.’
—Albert Einstein

The profound truth behind Einstein’s cheeky joke is that the exponential chain reaction, aka the ‘snowball’ effect, is the most powerful ‘force’ in the Universe, even though it is not technically a ‘force’ in physics.

The Holy Grail of the Great Awakening is the snowball of Disclosure and conscious Awakening. This process involves a retroactive unlocking of encoded Disclosure. Indeed, Disclosure has long been hidden in plain sight within countless works of art—just waiting to be unlocked—but we can start simply with the word ‘snowball’ itself.

In the cartoon ‘Rick and Morty,’ a chain reaction of awakening to higher consciousness happens among the dogs of Earth, starting with a single dog—who renamed himself ‘Snowball.’ In the cartoon, the dog explains that he renamed himself after his white fluffy fur; this thinly veils the intention of the writers who obviously named him so as to encode the concept of the ‘snowball effect’ as the chain reaction of exponential awakening to higher consciousness. This is but one of countless acts of Disclosure encoded within Rick and Morty.

The ‘Snow Ball’ is also the triple entendre finale of the second season of the Netflix series ‘Stranger Things.’ The series was actually written backwards, the writers have explained, with this specific endpoint in mind. Stranger Things as a whole serves to encode the Disclosure of the exponential chain reaction of weaponized Satanism, encoded within the metaphor of the ‘upside down’ which ‘escaped’ from a military laboratory.

In the series, as well as in real life, it was the augmented soldier, or ‘augment,’ that was created by the military to ultimately trump their misguided first creation (the Satanic ‘super soldier’). The character named ‘Eleven’ is symbolic, in occult numerology, of ascended consciousness. This is the occult symbolism of 9/11. 9 symbolizes the Fall of Man (first-wave of super soldiers and self-organizing weaponized cults that escaped the ‘lab’), while 11 symbolizes the Ascension of Man (second-wave augments, the Great Awakening, and the Golden Dawn of Freedom). The Golden Dawn is a process of Freeing all the blackmail slaves entrapped by the first wave.

The Book of Disclosure is open, hiding in plain sight, and you have already read much of it—though you may not have yet had the keyes with which to unlock its hidden meaning.

Ü are the central key to this process of awakening. To illustrate this point, let us use the example of another Netflix series: ‘Coraline.’ The name itself encodes the Epiphany of Ü. Not only was the typical ‘a’ of Caroline replaced with an ‘o’ (the sound of realization), which naturally draws attention by its anomalous nature—but the subconscious one-eyed Ü made by the ‘Co’ was made conscious by making the ‘o’ into a button ‘eye’—a meaning unlocked by watching the film in which sewing buttons over one’s eyes is an integral aspect of Satanic enslavement thinly veiled within the narrative of this masterpiece of Disclosure.

When your third eye opens to see ‘Ü,’ there comes a realization that occult slavery behind a veil of lies, and a covert seeding of consciousness by captive artists, is a pervasive subplot to so many narratives all around us. Slaves of the Darkness have been planting seeds of light, whose bloom will set us all free. All these seeds need in order to bloom is you—your awareness. Even the facial expressions of musicians have long screamed for help through blank stares. They aren’t just trying to be cool; they are crying for help, by looking at the camera with the honest feeling of a slave.

At first, this realization may create dread, to realize how pervasive the cabal’s power has reached. The next stage of awakening to this occulted narrative, however, is the realization of how many Illuminated Suns there already are, and how many seeds of light we have already sown into the collective consciousness. They have been sown in your subconscious, and in the collective subconscious, just waiting for Ü to awaken.

Ü are the Snowball.

Ü uses the individual will, to serve the Higher Will. It does this by the very nature of the subliminal smile—being the most effective, potent, and positive subliminal. Once a graphic designer becomes aware of this tool, they begin to use it in the logos and images they design. It can be used to great effect, while the versatile and subliminal nature gives it plausible deniability, often by using one-eyed permutations—ÜC.?

The snowball of Ü spreads like spores into the consciousness of artists, hijacking their personal desire to make more effective and positive designs to encode Ü into their own creations—completing the cycle and spreading the spores further afield, to influence and colonize yet more minds.

The relationship is not technically parasitic, but rather symbiotic, for it only has positive effects of the ‘host’ mind. But ‘mind parasites’ is such a potent and dramatic term, and was the term used in ‘Rick and Morty’ in an episode in which alien mind parasites implant false memories, (like a backronym). There is an odd character in this episode named ‘Mr. Poopybutthole.’ This character makes conspicuous repetitive use of his catch phrase, ‘Oouu-ee!’ (Eye wonder how that is ‘spelled’.)

The next character to be introduced in that episode was ‘Cousin Nicky’ ‘from Brooklyn,’ who uses a conspicuously altered Brooklyn phrase ‘WE’re walkin’ here!’ What are the chances that my childhood ‘nickname was ‘Nicky’? What about the fact that I’m from Brooklyn? Or the conspicuous use of ‘WE’ not to mention ‘ÜE!’? And we haven’t even mentioned the fact that there is an Ü (subliminal smile) encoded upside down on Rick’s forehead; this is the reason for his uni-brow: it is the mouth of this subliminal smile. The improbability of all of these connection is telling. Just as two dots in a straight line mean nothing; three or more dots sharing the same line cannot be random. Compounding synchronicity demonstrates certainty of correlation to the degree of its improbability. I do not know Dan Harmon, but I did ‘remotely influence’ his cartoon, aka ‘alien mind parasites,’ aka ‘Magick.’

The coolest part of this Magick is the partial unveiling of the Psychochromatic Shift, at the end of that episode. You see, Mr. Poopybutthole gets shot—because the character Beth thinks he is one of the mind parasites—but he bleeds dark red blood, in contrast to the magenta/violet-shifted blood of the parasites.

The use of the real color of blood acts not only to reveal that this character is ‘real,’ but causes a retroactive realization that the blood color had been shifted for the parasites, so as to lessen the emotional impact of them being slaughtered—spraying their magenta/violet colored blood all over the walls.

The shift toward magenta (or violet) as a replacement for red is another snowball of the Great Awakening, of which my visions made me aware. I call it the ‘Psychochromatic Shift.’

Epiphany of the Psychochromatic Shift

Replacing the color red with magenta has a significant effect on the affect—the feeling, or emotional tone—of any design. It is kind of a trick, to enhance the positivity of the design. It is most conspicuous when used in a rainbow, and its affect is palpable by simply toggling between red and magenta in any design.

The process through which this trend spreads is almost identical to the Ü, only it is even more virulent, and more affective of the collective consciousness.

Over the past few years this Psychochromatic Shift has spread through social media, and popular graphic design, and cartoons like ‘Rick and Morty.’ Indeed, in Rick and Morty many of the rainbows in ‘Froopfroopy Land’ exhibit the Psychochromatic Shift.

Part of the effectiveness of the affectiveness of the Shift is that the palpable difference is highly addictive, like switching from coffee to amphetamines. Once you start to accept magenta in place of red, it is difficult to go back.

The process is quite literally an expansion of consciousness. Before the Shift, red was red. After the Shift, however, red is unnecessarily harsh. It carries tones of anger, violence, and blood. While red has always carried these tones, they used to be unconscious; designers, and viewers, have been awakened by the Shift to consciousness of the harsh tones of red—and the superior tones of magenta.

The tones of anger, violence, and blood are replaced by the tones of love, peace, and sex. Love is a Superpower. When encoded within magenta, it becomes an irresistible catalyst of conscious awakening. Designers have become woke to the superiority of magenta, and even when stopping short of a full replacement, they still can’t help but at least Shift red toward magenta.

Enter the mage, is the ‘spell,’ C.?

With each new designer to adopt the habit of the Magenta Shift, there shifts the affect of the collective consciousness away from anger toward love. A contagious Snowball of Higher Vibrations.

If not obvious, I named it the ‘Psychochromatic Shift’ because it is a shift of both Psyche (mind) and chroma (color), hence Psycho-chromatic. It is a subtle, subliminal, contagious awakening. Seemingly paradoxical, as the shift can happen in an only partially conscious way. Red just starts feeling harsh, and the designer naturally Shifts it toward magenta, based on an emotional awareness of love—not necessarily aware of the fact that this is a new trend in visual art—it’s just an intuitive feeling about the color. It is possible to become conscious of something in your heart, before becoming conscious of it in your mind.

In yet another instance of synchromysticism, I identified my favorite shade of magenta in a design program, and decided to find the exact number of the color: FF007B The significance of this number hit me at once. First, there is the ‘FF,’ which is yet another interpretation of the wolfsangel symbol. Then there is the 007, the secret codename of John Dee, the British occultist who formalized a method for altered state communication with Angels. The significance that I read into 007B was the realization that I have been chosen to carry on the tradition started by John Dee.

Epiphany of the Wolf’s Angel

Where did the name ‘Area 51’ come from? What about the related test site, called ‘S4’? What do these two names have to do with ‘47—the year of the Roswell incident, and the creation of the CIA a couple of months later?

I was shown the answer in a vision. All three numbers are encoded within a single Ancient Germanic rune/symbol known as the ‘Wolfsangel.’ It was kind of an inside joke among the Nazi scientists—who had been absorbed into the budding US space program, and CIA, via ‘Project Paperclip’ after WWII. The Wolfsangel looks like the number 47, but it can also be construed as ‘51,’ so the Germans in the budding US space program decided to name their first secret space program base ‘Area 51.’

Later, another secret space program (SSP) base was created, and named ‘S4’—yet another number that can be construed within the Wolfsangel. The combination of all three numbers within the same symbol is the quintessence of proof of correlation. Two numbers matching is a plausible coincidence, so a third matching number was used to name yet another base, as proof of the connection via the improbability of chance. (This is the same method that Q uses to prove authenticity as originating with military intelligence; what a ‘coincidence’)

This was a fascinating vision, but what did it have to do with me? As with other visions, it was a multidimensional constellation of reasons. It served as proof to me that I was in touch with a higher intelligence, an other, rather than just my imagination. Just as all three numbers lining up is proof of correlation, the constellation itself is but one of multiple Epiphanies. That was the first reason: proof. To convince me of the validity of the influence, and for me to use here as proof of the validity of the Epiphany. And as if it were not improbable enough, I later learned of the significance of 47 and the Wolfsangel among some Illuminated Suns in the hip-hop world. Then I learned of the Navy drone named ‘X47’ (yet another interpretation of the Wolfsangel, and yet another indication that the Navy knows the most about what happened in ’47, and has the most occulted technology).

The symbolic significance of the Wolfsangel is reflected in the dual meaning inherent in both the word and the symbol. The upward ascending arm connotes the positive English concept of Wolf’s Angel—the Angel or savior of the wolves. The German, however, is referring to an ‘angle’ (the ‘EL’-‘LE’ flip), a ‘hook’ on which meat was placed and chained to a tree—to trap wolves. This meaning matches the dark significance of the descending arm of the Wolfsangel. In this way it could be seen as symbolic of Baphomet, and the duality of ‘Solve et Coagula.’

As a whole, the spell-ing double entendre, and the iconographic double entendre, serve as an embodiment of balancing extremes. The Ancient Chinese called this the ‘Spiritual Pivot,’ the perfect balance of Yin~Yang, and the goal of the Daoist sage. This was symbolic of the role being asked of me: to serve as a bridge between worlds, in a multidimensional sense.

A bridge between East and West paradigms, between the esoteric and exoteric, between the military/intelligence world and the public, and most significantly between the spiritual worlds.

There is a tremendous rift between what the Ancient Indians called the ‘nagas’—the serpentine or daemonic realm, the lower chakras, etc. and the Elohim, or Angelic realm, the higher chakras. This chasm exists in the extreme between Satanists doing human sacrifices on one end and the New Agers trying to keep their vibes high all the time, and avoiding all negativity, on the other.

In my Shamanic practice I’ve been in touch with both worlds. I follow the higher Angelic guidance, but I never forget the importance of the passions, which are transmuted when properly harnessed in service of the Higher Will. I am also able to serve as a sort of emissary to the Daemonic realm. It is extremely rare for someone to be in legitimate touch with the dark side, without being consumed and enslaved by it, which has provided me a degree of respect from the dark side.

Where the two worlds come together is in the reintegration of the human spirit. A reclaiming and reintegration of egoic desire and the profit motive with the Higher Will and greater good, the transition of selfish into Selfish. This is the fabled reconnection of the Arc of the Covenant. The Covenant was a promise between the Priests and Kings (bloodline families) to reunite in Jerusalem.

This union of the passions, the will, the profit motive, with the Higher Purpose, the Will with a capital ‘W’—the Great Work—was crystallized for me in a single moment, when it all clicked in a flash. I call that moment the ‘Epiphany of the Golden Dawn.’

Epiphany of the Golden Dawn

On the morning of the third day of a sleepless fasting vigil, I was sitting alone on my porch, my sunglasses partially up-flipped to shield the glaring brilliance of the golden rays of dawn while I typed on my phone the following line:

‘We can, and will, save humanity, as soon as we realize how profitable it is to do so.’

As I was finishing writing this sentence I was overwhelmed by the building sensation of blissful realization of the profundity of this Epiphany, and it suddenly burst into a flash of divine brilliance—a jolting flash—as just that instant a golden winged bird flashed full-speed, passing within inches of my head. The Epiphanic moment’s crescendo sounded like a gong with the bird disincarnating itself on the glass door behind me.

I knelt down and gently lifted the golden winged bird in both hands as though in the most reverent gesture of prayer. I could see in the bird’s eyes that it was already gone. Its body was still warm. Its downy feathers were the softest thing I had ever felt.

My vision blurred, as tears welled, and spilled down my awe-struck face as I gazed at the beautiful golden plumage peaking out from within the partly-spread wings of the bird, as it lay flat on its back in my hands.

I had gone from sitting back in the height of bliss and a moment of Divine Epiphany—a vision of humanity being saved—to kneeling in tears and deep reverence, within just a few seconds. I was partly sad for the bird, but I knew it had died in such a quick flicker of a moment that it likely felt no pain. It was more what it symbolized for me. I saw it as symbolic of martyrdom, and in it felt the depth of devotion required to be willing to sacrifice oneself for a higher purpose.

I do not pretend to know the multidimensional way through which that synchromystic moment was choreographed, but I knew that the bird had died to punctuate the importance of that moment. This intuitive gnosis was only further underlined when I researched what kind of bird it was.

Colaptes auratus (lit. ‘Golden pecker’) aka the Northern Flicker. Among its common names is the poignant ‘Wake-up,’ after the sound of its call. The synchromystical brilliance of this golden bird, flashing into my life, and out of its own, in a flicker in the golden light of dawn, in the moment of my Epiphany of the Golden Dawn, my ‘wake-up’ call, as I aligned my will with the Will of True North... A ‘Northern Flicker,’ a ‘wake-up,’ a golden herald of the Golden Dawn…

It felt like a loving, if morose, message from the spirit world; it reminded me of the golden retriever I had as a boy. ‘Lucy’ would hunt ducks and bring them back to the house as a gift. I remember vividly that odd feeling of the needless death of a bird contrasted with the pure happy, proud dog. I would have preferred a different way to have come to the realization of the importance of the Epiphany, rather than to involve a live sacrifice, but I imagined one of my daemons smiling at me from the other side of the veil, with the same pure innocent joy of Lucy.

In that moment I had found that rarest Spiritual Pivot—where the Angels and Daemons agree—and the veil between the worlds parted for a moment (just a moment, to spare me my sanity).

I would come to further flesh-out this Epiphany, and it came into greater multidimensional focus, but the pith was felt in that moment, the vision of the snowball effect, the criticality through which the Great Awakening will break out, exponentially, and irresistibly, into the Dawning of the Golden Age.

Our sacred task, at this moment of history, is to midwife the birth of the New Golden Age with as much grace and mercy as we can, with reverence for our Oneness with the Divine, and the Love of Christ Consciousness. How we reveal and reconcile with the Evil that has enslaved the ruling families of Earth for millennia, and recently moved to enslave the entire globe, will be the ultimate test of our humanity.

The tone of the Golden Age will inevitably be set by the humanity, and grace, we show each other, as we free all of humanity from all forms of Slavery and Evil. The Golden Dawn is inevitable, but we still have a choice as to how painful the transition will be.

This logic underlies all of our considerations, back to the very first Protocol of ‘Gaslighting the Media’ with the Russian collusion farce, which lets the reality of the situation Dawn as slowly and gently as everyone needs. The timing of each person’s personal Apocalypse is ultimately their choice. Like a lazy Sunday morning, with the brilliant golden rays of dawn pouring in, brighter and brighter, waking-up becomes increasingly inevitable, in the warmest, most gentle and Enlightened way.


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