Obsoleteness XI - Magnetic Field
The photo is taken on the same spot in a building facing due North-South.
There are lots of videos that show a messed up magnetic field of the Earth, like it’s not stable anymore. Every living being needs the magnetic field of the Earth, animal migrations depend on stable Earth’s magnetic field, even ocean currents, humans for circadian rhythm, it is needed for life itself. Even the Earth’s satellites and power lines depend on it. It might not only be the geoengineering experiments and shooting the ionosphere with trillion Watt lasers, thereby lifting the ionosphere up, or shooting with lasers from satellites, the experiments the hadron colliders carry out add to it considerably; photos taken of the sky above CERN when there is a scheduled experiment don’t depict normal sky. There is not only CERN, there is practically a hadron collider on every continent in every so called superpower state (I didn't check the smaller ones). In the first part of the interview Quinn Michaels talks about global hadron collider network for the neutrino experiments being built that creates gravity waves, what affects the existing gravity waves and creating massive gravity disturbances. Every human on Earth with a smart phone or computer adds to the disturbances in the magnetic field, even the new fridges will operate on magnetic field, or washing machines with inverter, or charging pad for electric car that charges the car without plugging the car in. Is the very precious magnetic field around the Earth now all of a sudden becoming obsolete or just the way how it enables and supports life on Earth? Every technology brings its own problems and sorrows, especially its mass production. Steam power industry had its own pollution and exploitation, and problems; oil based industry brought its pollution, exploitation and problems; and the industry based on electromagnetic field& frequency modification will bring its own problems and sorrows, as well. Don’t think it won’t. Has anyone measured the impact on the magnetic field of the Earth when the IoT comes, in advance? I guess, not. The authorities and industry leaders didn’t measure the influences of the steam powered industry, and later oil based industry in advance either. Shouldn’t we ask ourselves these types of questions before the mass production & consumption of robotized electromagnetic filed & frequency modifying industry begins? Will this be sustainable?
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