Sister in the Kodeshiym

in #obedience8 years ago

My Justice Will Prevail!
Posted on 24 May 2017 by Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer

For I say to you, this day, change is in the air. Can’t you feel it? Can’t you see it? Hasn’t that been your hope for this nation, My People, and the world?

Have you not wanted to be in it, for My sake? Have you not overcome much for Me?

I say to you the wheels are turning and exposure of the evil ones will be at its height in the coming weeks. Those who have felt they have controlled the wheels of time and all that goes with it, for the future of this nation and the world, are done. Their job is over. It has been cancelled by Me, Your Heavenly Father, who loves you and all mankind.

The enemy knows it and is furious his plans have been thwarted once again and cancelled before his eyes. To make it worse for him, the ones who work for him have and will see it happen to further embarrass him.

He will not stop and will try to leave destruction in his wake of lies, contempt, upheaval, harm, pain, and suffering for all that he can. He will try to put the blame for his escapades on everyone but himself.

Even as he comes down with his followers, look for the evil ones to cry and scream louder, that they have been unrighteously abused. They will claim that they are not getting justice and that nothing is fair.

BUT, they are getting MY JUSTICE. I have said all along, “VENGEANCE is MINE.”

Never seek revenge, my friends; instead, leave that to God’s anger; for in the Tanakh (Old Testament) it is written, “ADONAI says, “Vengeance is my responsibility; I will repay.” Romans 12:19 (CJB).

“Vengeance and payback are Mine for the time when their foot slips; for the day of their calamity IS coming soon, their doom IS rushing upon them.” Deuteronomy 32:35 (CJB).

Some do not understand that I do not lie and I fulfill what I say what I will do, if there is not repentance involved.

These evil ones do not repent, but brag of their endeavors for the enemy. Over and over, though they think they are hidden, I see it all.

I know what happens behind closed doors, in alleyways, and in hallways, in the darkness of night, and in anyplace they would try to hide to do their evil. I KNOW. I AM is not blind to what they do, say, think, or feel.


My Justice is real. My Justice can be overwhelming to those who receive it, who have been part of a line of evil for centuries. So overwhelming that some will take their lives, others I will take, and still others will receive life long sentences by Me.

They will receive My Justice for what has been done. Their only out is repentance and a relationship with Me, for life. There are some who have sold their souls to the enemy and these will have no out.

BUT you must be sure to allow My Vengeance to take place. Just as I take care of you, I will take care of them, in My way and My time.

DO NOT THINK YOU CAN HELP, through your own thoughts, actions, and desires. You will only get yourself in trouble. DO NOT GET IN MY WAY.

Only do and say what I tell you to do and say. Remember, I AM in control. I leave nothing out. I cross all My t’s and dot My I’s. So if you think I’m not doing My job, then you need to seek Me and cleanse your own heart before you do so.

Do not gossip about what you “think I should do or what should happen to the evil ones,” to your friends, relatives, or neighbors. DO NOT. I AM in control.

I don’t shirk My duty, nor rest on the job. When I start something, I complete it. Remember, I AM the creator. I created it all and I can remove it all in the blink of an eye or sooner.

Much of what you and what mankind has been waiting for has been happening before your eyes for some time. But many have been unable to see because of being blinded spiritually by the enemy and having their ears covered spiritually, by a deaf and dumb spirit, who only allows them to hear what the enemy wanted them to hear in the past and for some, in the days ahead.

It is not that they have not had the opportunity to know Me. They have laughed in the faces and behind the backs of those who know Me, thinking they are better, wiser, and know all they need to know for the evil plans of the enemy to work. BUT, they are about to find out the hard way that I AM IN CONTROL, not them or their leader.

Take heart! Many of My Beloveds have much fruit they have produced and they are about to produce much more. The storm is before and by you.

Reach out to all the trees and bushes to get all the fruit you can before MY WIND hits full tilt. For in the storm, the fruit gets bruised and battered.

Those who know Me and have a relationship with Me will be protected by Me as well. Be sure to listen to Me and My Directions.

DO NOT LET FEAR override you, because of what you see and hear around you. Spirits transfer to things through sight, hearing, touching, smelling and speaking.

That is why I have admonished you to watch your gates, that you do not allow things into your spirit that are not of Me.

“He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises gain from fraud and from oppression, who shakes his hand free from the taking of bribes, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes to avoid looking upon evil. [Such a man] will dwell on the heights; his place of defense will be the fortresses of rocks; his bread will be given him; water for him will be sure. Your eyes will see the King in His beauty; [your eyes] will behold a land of wide distances that stretches afar,” Isaiah 33: 15-17 (AMPC).


ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS. The enemy will try make it seem worse than it is. DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM, NOR TAKE THE TIME TO WATCH what you don’t need to see.

ASK ME if you are to watch, or go to see, or to listen. DO NOT ASSUME you are to see or hear it all. ASK!

Some of you need to rearrange your priorities and come to Me first before you go to your own head or heart to decide what to do, or say, rather than to just do or say something.

Some are you are so involved with spirits of intellectualism, independence, and pride that you rely on yourselves and the evil or familiar spirits within you to guide you. I don’t think like you think, nor do I do as you do.

Haven’t you figured that out yet? Some of you are so smug with your own self-assurance that you don’t think nor feel you could be wrong. Some believe in themselves so much, they think it is beneath them to ask Me, because of what if they hear ME, and I tell them something different?

The fear that they could be wrong or have to do something that is illogical to them overrides their thoughts. They allow their own hearts and mind to rule them, rather than Mine. DO NOT LET YOUR HEART GET IN THE WAY. SEEK ME. SEEK ME. SEEK ME.

LISTEN TO MY HEART. FOLLOW ME AND OBEY ME. I have not been here this long to let you down. I do not lie. I do not break promises. I AM that I AM. There is no other like Me, nor will there ever be another like Me. I AM the beginning and the end. I AM.

So for those who have believed in Me and have trusted Me, My Army is gathering. Even now, My Son is on His horse ready to lead the Army of Heaven in the Battle for Truth, Righteousness, and Justice to prevail over all.

“Next I saw heaven opened, and there before me was a white horse. Sitting on it was the one called FAITHFUL AND TRUE, and it is in righteousness that He passes judgment and goes to battle.
His eyes were like a fiery flame, and on His head were many royal crowns. And He had a name written which no one knew but Himself. He was wearing a robe that had been soaked in blood, and the name by which He is called is, “THE WORD OF GOD”
The armies of heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and pure, were following Him on white horses. And out of His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down nations – “He will rule them with a staff of iron.” It is He who treads the winepress from which flows the wind of the furious rage of ADONAI, God of Heaven’s Armies.
And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS,” Revelation 19:11–16 (CJB).

Will you be ready? Have you given everything to Me so there is nothing in your way to hinder or block you from Me?

Have you let go of yourself, so you can have MORE OF ME? Will you ride with Me?

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