MSM Prepping For The Falling Hammer, We Knew This Was Coming - Episode 1742b
Texas Judge rules Obamacare is unconstitutional. Robert Mueller gives the 302's to the Judge. Clinton answers questions under oath and can't remember 20 of them. The MSM is preparing for video and other news by telling everyone do not believe what you see or hear. Anons explains whats coming up.
All forced services are unconstitutional❗️Not just OBAMACARE . Auto insurance , Seat belt laws , and helmet laws as well . This is a REPUBLIC of SOVEREIGN citizens . American sheeple don’t understand . The way it was supposed to work is you pay NO INCOME TAX , also unconstitutional , and you are not fined or taxed on your existing wealth . No inheritance tax , and low property taxes . Service , corporate , and sales taxes would pay the bills . There are no drug wars because no one can tell you what to do with your own body or property . So all these narcotic agents are nothing more then mercenaries for these corporate raiders . You have to wake up to the fact that everything is a money making opportunity for them . They’re not out saving babies or anything❗️Its all BULLSHIT and theft , and they should all be arrested for putting sovereign citizens in jail for doing what comes down to NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS‼️🤨