RE: The World Is Questioning Trump's Leadership
I would suggest there is a direct correlation between the presence of effective independent media and the results of this survey. There is, for example, no widely recognized non-English speaking independent media platform in Europe I can name. When I asked my European friends where they go to get objective news reporting, they invariable cite what we in the states would consider main stream sources. When I asked where they go to get alternative news, some repeated their previous answers, others scoff at the very idea their favored source could be politically biased and for a few the question just didn't register.
There was even a nice write-up recently about how wrong the following graphic was about the German ARD at übermedien:
The critique is upset that neutral reports were left out of the calculations, ARD isn't nearly 98% negatively biased, only 98% of the reports that didn't have a strictly neutral 'tone' were negative! To all appearances it looks like the author doesn't completely understand the connotations of 'tone' in English, but I digress. The critique basically ends by saying "Negative press, yeah, he earned it!" Surprise!