My next topic - Nxt project
Hi everyone.
It's been a long time.
A years ago, I decided that write code analysis blog about Ethereum.
Because, unlike most block chain projects, this project has good leader, many nice contributors, quality documentations
Through managing this blog, I archived many thing.
Little fame in korea blockchain industry, and various pitching opportunities in big conferences
(devstamp 2018, 2019, devground 2019 and so on)
Most of all, what I got, I founded my own blockchain lab in seoul, korea.
Our website is here: (Visit anytime, when you want!)
(Non-profit, So poor, Help us)
Some days ago, I met one friend who work in Jelurida foundation.
He introduce their project to me, and that was very impressive.
So I scanning jelurida's white papers and FIND this amazing picture.
Can you find why I decided nxt as a my next topic?
See their research timeline 2013-2015
- naming service
- messaging
- voting
- pruning
- shuffling
They have been doing research about these topics what still difficult to solve, very early-stage of blockchain.
(At that time I did not know what blockchain is)
So, with my respect for old gurus, I will start nxt code analysis in my blog from today.
Please look forward to my next article!!
Sorry for lack of my english writing skill :)
ㅎㅎ 그야말로 비트코인 “그다음”이죠.
꼭 추락한 외계인 UFO와 같이 느껴진다랄까요. 이 곳에서 블록체인 기술들을 많이 추출해서 사용하는 것 같아요.