
Red pilling? Huh?

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Social justice warrior? Huh?


Got a problem with human rights, bub?

Posted using Partiko Android

Love this image. One for the ages...

Liberty academy is such an ironic username for someone who doesnt like human rights

Posted using Partiko Android

So, @cyberdemon531, apart from trolling, can you tell me what you are doing to promote liberty?

And where do you get the nerve to affirm that I don't like human rights? What do you base this on exactly?

Mocking the notion of social justice implies you dont want social justice.

Im an anarchist activist, writer, and protestor. I love the liberation of the oppressed

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Thank you for engaging in a civil discussion. Don't imply or assume something just because I like an image. To me this image does not represent social justice; rather, it represents a person who has been duped by these false left-right, democrat-republican, liberal-conservative, paradigms that are socially engineered by the powers-that-shouldn't-be as a tactic to divide-and-conquer the masses. That's it; nothing more, nothing less. Hope I have made my "position" clearer.

So can i ask you straight up then?
How do you feel about gay people or transgender people?

Posted using Partiko Android

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