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in #nwo5 years ago (edited)

Now you're just inventing stuff.

Seems like your reading ability is like second or third grade level (or worse). I said people can be proud of who they are; I NEVER said anywhere in our discussion anything about "hating gays" and how that would link to an opinion. You simply seem to want to put words in my mouth so you can attack me. This is what your kind does; it is either entirely your way or else anyone that has a different idea, view, or opinion, is wrong.

God gave everyone the give of something called freewill. It is deeply ingrained in something we call liberty and freedom. If you can't respect that people have freewill, then there's not much I can do for you other than hope you can find some inner peace and love in your life.

If you don't have any intelligent rebuttals, I'd suggest you quit making a fool of yourself.


The straight pride parades are organized by folks that hate gay and trans people and fool brainlets like you into thinking its about "free speech" and "expression" and "pride". Its foolish and more and more people are calling it out.

Posted using Partiko Android

This will be my last reply, as I have totally given up on any hope of having a constructive and civil conversation with you.

I find it extremely sad that people from your generation, millenials, lack conversation, social, and critical thinking skills. You are completely unable to have a civil and constructive conversation. I think pretty much of all what you've written above confirms this.

I've also noticed this disturbing trend with people from your generation in the country I currently live in. Most (not all) of them below 30 years of age have a great lack in these attributes. But, I will nonetheless pray for you.

Parfois, il vaut mieux se taire et de passer pour un imbecile (ou une tarte), que de s'ouvrir la trappe et de le confirmer!

Blah blah blah kids these days im triggered wahhhh blah blah blah.

Not my fault you cant read direct messages. I dont need to pontificate over nothing with word vomit like you do.

Posted using Partiko Android

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