What would it take to free humanity?

in #nwo7 years ago (edited)

Let's say you were raised in the USA. You went to USA schools, maybe a USA church sometimes. You watched USA television shows, and USA news programs possibly.

If you research the Council on Foreign relations, you discover it's what some people historically have called a 5th column. It's a secretive group. They are admittedly out to destroy individual liberty, national sovereignty and to enslave the entire planet to the elite banking and big oil cabal that founded the think tank and runs it.

Let's say you discover that this quasi secretive think tank has been working for about a century with large foundations, the Rockefeller foundation, the Carnegie endowment and the Ford Foundation. You discover the CIA and other clandestine services are their permanent captive minions. You discover, by watching the Dodd interview, that they purposely set out to control education both domestically and abroad, especially the teaching of history.

Let's say you discover the Guggenheim fellowship which you thought was simply based on merit is a tool to enrich and groom loyal minions of a very real conspiracy. You discover the conspiracy not only mind controls your culture and society through control of the teaching of history, but that these same anti-freedom oligarchs behind educational control also control all the news information that both you and everyone you know have been watching.

Let's say that you're feeling a little betrayed and misled so you begin to question everything, and you begin to notice details you previously overlooked. You notice that most of the so called "panel experts" on the news channels are members of the Council on Foreign Relations think tank or related globalist organizations. You begin to notice that more than 90 percent of advisors and cabinet members in every presidential administration, whether it's right wing or left wing, are also people who belong to these same internationalist organizations founded by the international bankers.

Nobody can help you now. You're wide awake. But you quickly notice the entire rest of your society is still fast asleep. The family who raised you never realized it. So they never told you how it really is. The school teachers who taught you that you live in "the free world" can't help you. They were and are as duped as anyone. When you try to tell someone, they tell you that you're a paranoid "theorist." When you try to talk about it, most people change the subject or even turn their back and leave the room.

Let's say that you notice that the 9/11 official story doesn't add up. When the BBC reports the implosion of building 7, never hit by any plane, 26 minutes too early, you understand that magical prophecy isn't a rational explanation. Since you by this time have heard of Operation Mockingbird, the CIA media control operation, and you've long since discovered the media control the internationalist think tanks wield---you know that the massive conspiracy between black ops and media that would be necessary for 9/11 to be a false flag event is not just possible but entirely likely. When you ask "who benefits" it's clear that the international order benefits from an excuse to wage war against what they call the 'rogue states,' states where the banking and oil oligarchs don't control money and oil.

The lies---you see them. The imperialism and systematic loss of liberty---you see it. And few others do. There are a few thousand people on the internet but that's about it. In fact, in person rather than online, you're almost shocked when you meet someone else who is awake to the conspiracy, the mass murder and the hidden New World Order that marches incrementally forward. Your jaw drops open when you meet someone face to face who questions all the power grabs justified by shooting 'incidents' and terror attacks where the official stories don't add up, and which have their witnesses falling from helicopters and crashing into trees, or the police records sealed for 100 years, or investigative documents heavily redacted.

But for the most part, you're alone. You're on your own. Your family can't help you. The schools, the churches, the press can't help you. Most people can't help you because they don't know, and don't really want to know. Wouldn't it be great if you could just 'not care' about your species being incrementally enslaved by fraudsters running society? Wouldn't it be awesome if you could turn your back on mass murder, just laugh, make a few bucks and enjoy life? What happens to future generations in this world---is that really your problem anyway? Let's just say you can't, because your conscience won't allow you to do that.

Let's just say you're something like a spy then, in a covert war that most people can't or won't face. The war is already upon you, and upon the entire species. And nothing you were taught to believe in, nobody who was supposed to teach you or look out for you can help you. You weren't prepared for this, and the enemy was trained from birth to intentionally use lies and illusions to enslave you.

You don't have to fight the establishment though. You can build something new. But let's just say you also realize that whenever some new invention or creation, or even just information, threatens the agenda of the current power structure, they at some point will outlaw it, smear it, crush it and kill or imprison those responsible for creating the threat to the system.

Let's just say that NO ONE can help you---especially not those who refuse to even see the system for the monstrous murderous conspiracy it actually is. Nothing can protect you, war is upon you, and the enemy are mass murdering psychopaths who run not just mafias, governments, terrorist groups and drug cartels but also all the Western spy agencies, monitoring your every search, email, text, conversation, and comment. Let's just say they are aware of your every move. And to most of the people you know, they are imaginary, fictional, and you're just being paranoid.

Let's just say that's your situation, and there is no way for you to go back and take the blue pill. You have no way to just pretend you're unaware. You can blend into society, but you'll alway be pretending that you're unaware, so as not to disturb the pleasant illusions others are enjoying. But whether you pretend the nightmare is a pleasant dream, so you can fit in---or whether you try to wake up people who prefer not to have their pleasant illusions shattered, you'll be isolated in one way or another.

I prefer not to call it isolation though. I prefer to call it solitude. Solitude gives one time to turn inward, to think, to meditate, to problem solve. What would it look like to win? What would it take? What would have to be true for winning to be a real possibility? What would it take to free humanity?

nwo cat.jpg


That was great. I really think that we just need to spread the information and it will happen automatically, As more people start to believe in the truth. Slowly. I believe that there will be a time when the lies will be so much that it will be obvious that they are lying. I mean it is pretty obvious now, but for the dumbed down population it has to be more obvious. At a certain time they will fuck up and we will see the strings clear as day. I do believe that at some point in time the 100th monkey effect will happen:

The hundredth monkey effect is a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea

Have a nice day. God Bless

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