
Thank you for engaging in a civil discussion. Don't imply or assume something just because I like an image. To me this image does not represent social justice; rather, it represents a person who has been duped by these false left-right, democrat-republican, liberal-conservative, paradigms that are socially engineered by the powers-that-shouldn't-be as a tactic to divide-and-conquer the masses. That's it; nothing more, nothing less. Hope I have made my "position" clearer.

So can i ask you straight up then?
How do you feel about gay people or transgender people?

Posted using Partiko Android

Sure you can. To each their own. I have no problem against that. Everyone should be treated with the same amount of respect and courtesy, no?

Can I now ask you something?

How do you feel about #STRAIGHTPRIDE Parade? (See Dan Dick's video on it...)

Thinking that youre oppressed due to being nothing special is dumb and childish and takes away from the fact that gay and trans people are still murdered on a near weekly basis just for existing.

You can be proud of yourself, but using that to hurt or overshadow people who actually need the help and attention is just dumb

Posted using Partiko Android

So, no white people never get oppressed either? Why should they not be also granted the same rights and freedoms as to ALL people?

You say:

"due to being nothing special"

I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you. There are many special and caring people REGARDLESS of their race or sexual orientation, no?

I can see by your profile picture that you seem white also (unless I am mistakenly seeing your small, not so discernible, profile pic). So, are you saying that you can't be special either?

You're not making a very compelling case, I must say.

Youre dodging the point lmfao.

Being proud of being straight is dumb as fuck.

Being straight and also proud of your family, heritage, and upbringing is just fine.

Its like being proud of eating a chocolate donut. Who cares??

Posted using Partiko Android

Firstly, I will politely ask you not to use curse words here, as it taints the discussion and creates a lot of negative energy.

Second, you never answered any of my questions. Maybe follow the thread of our discussion and don't deviate with tangents. I've answered your questions; so I would expect the same courtesy.

And in my opinion, people have every right to be proud of what they want: gay, straight, black, white, tall, short, whatever. If your opinion differs, then that is completely fine; people don't need to have the same opinion on everything, no?

Hating gay people is not an opinion.

Posted using Partiko Android

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