Adrenalized blood the hidden yet in our face science of modern cannibalism
Filling in gaps in information I ingest seems to be a habit. Satanic Ritual Abuse is being talked about and the blood rituals but the actual science used by modern cannibals ignored. You think prime rib of cattle doesn't translate to humans for wealthy cannibals? Blood types matter. Ok I'll admit I am enjoying stirring the hornets nest. 😂
The truth is the market is so elaborate that one has to face a matrix of underground humans in labs reality and that those untracable organs found in a mortuary is more common than people would like. Those missing soldier caskets under guise of being politically correct by Bush administration was really just like Clinton and Haiti, organ Harvesting?
Is that why the science behind it is disassociated? Cause the implications are horrific? I know. That doesn't make it not real. The reason given made 0 sense about hiding soldiers right? No its acceptable? What have we accepted? Paid for with taxes?
So lets grow up this new year and accept our technology is so far advanced we have reason to worry and science on genetics and blood is a must learn in a society that has cloning technology. I am searching for the scientific term of "adrenalized child blood" because it has one, was written about and exposed then poof disappeared from view. Not finding it. Anyone? Ferris?
To be disposables or not to be disposables? Despicable isn't it?