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Where is Julian Assange ? It's now been 57 days since verifiable proof-of-life
Julian Assange & Wikileaks was about expose truth of 911 inside Job
The Great Wizard Of Leaks - A Blockchain Fantasy-Action-Adventure Epic
Jim Stone Insists Julian Assange of Wikileaks is NOT in Ecuadorean Embassy
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It is believed these two are compromised:
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Assange missing
Where is assange
Rendition military aircraft N379P
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RiseUp.net The WikiLeaks email services provider, has NOT renewed their quarterly warrant canary. This means that they are compromised. And any information coming from them is not to be trusted - it is quite probably dis-information.
Useful Information
All MSM news is Fake News
They really are watching us
Scary Quotes
"As far as we know, Wikileaks' actual servers and publishing capacity have not been infiltrated. But their Twitter account may have been overtaken. Why would NSA take over the Twitter account? To discredit Wikileaks in the public eye. Also, to spread misinformation.
I say 'as far as we know' though because there are signs that CIA/NSA may have taken out the command structure of the publications as well as the Twitter account. A couple of reasons to hold in mind. First, remember that the PodestaEmail daily releases were on autopilot and all emails were proven to be authentic by Google DKIM. Now, we were promised a so called '3rd phase' of releases, didn't happen. And, we were also promised one leak per week for 10 weeks. Last leak was one week ago and nothing has been released since the last PodestaEmail batch. Finally, where are all the closest people to Assange? I haven't seen or heard anything from them either that could explain what's going on or give us a status update on the whole situation. In my mind, it's fully possible they (CIA) have struck on multiple people and sites simultaneously and effectively taken down Wikileaks. And according to Joe Biden "the public will hopefully not know". https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/5d37lj/wikileaks_latest_insurance_files_dont_match_hashes/da1hihn/
"There was an attempt on assange in August. Some guy scales the wall, trys to get in the embassy. Luckily guards noticed him and warded the assailant off, didn't catch him. Assanges lawyers drop dead. John Kerry visits with authorities blocks from the embassy. Same day, bunch of security contractor vehicles outside, along with police. Internet in panic. Periscope live streams show up but after the cars are gone. Next morning, no word from assange, no journalists, just periscope streamers. RT.com shows up and covers the story, also reveals that the UK froze all of their bank and credit assets that morning. Wikileaks tweets possible warning shot at Kerry, tweets pre-commitment for several dumps, including one with Kerrys name in the title. Dyn DNS goes down, taking down access to twitter, word is assange has no internet still. No periscope streamers in 5 mile viscinity starting that day, lasting 3 days. I tried with proxies and tweeting at past streamers, no luck getting anyone to stop by. When DNS comes back up, there are over 20,000 tweets about Assange, the embassy, proof of life, etc, 4 different tweet templates, tweeted by thousands of accounts, two of them were videos of assange in the window from 2012. Was impossible to find anything relevant on twitter, like I had previously been doing, because there were too many bullshit tweets. Since then, 4/8ch investigation threads have been deleted repeatedly. 100 pages of investigation purged, and the archive.is backups of all of the wikileaks/4ch stuff were also deleted.(they endlessly load now). I only started looking into this, because I noticed the weirdest change in tone from the wikileaks twitter. That afternoon, the wikileaks account started tweeting in response, very informally. Something they had not done at all since I had been following them. They also took a distinct anti-hillary position, and even said yes we have a position. Absolutely no proof of life. Also that same day, wikileaks tweeted that 14 other people who work with assange/wikileaks, had lost internet connection, and their phones went out as well. Since then nothing at all meaningful has been dumped. I also think it is safe to assume he is no longer in control." https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12962853
"tl;dr blockchain has backups for all wikileaks files since 2013. it also has checksum hashes and upload proofs for all files. there is a lot of stuff in there that triggers xkeyscore or echelon and is virtually impossible to share or even talk about. three months have been spent trying to teach others how to recreate the steps. there is a noticeable pattern. group finds it, start teaching others how to do it, then everything is deleted and people go silent. then a new group finds the breadcrums and starts over. it's not clear what happened yesterday or what will happen next but there are people from all the world trying to investigate. at this point and there is no part of the internet where it is allowed. …...I think Julian and his team got nabbed so quickly that they were able to partially nullify his dead man's switch. Now opposition is in full damage control mode with honey pots, shills, and censorship." https://voat.co/v/news/1510171
"But the Periscope live feed was suddenly cut without warning, and rumors began to spread that an “unnamed crew” entered the embassy during the outage. As concerns for Assange’s safety continued to grow, a Redditor claimed that a U.S. Gulfstream jet, claimed to be N379P, had taken off from a military base outside London shortly after the outage in the Ecuadorian embassy. When another Redditor pointed out N379P was the notorious rendition plane nicknamed the Guantanamo Bay Express, fears for Assange’s safety reached fever pitch. Using FlightRadar the plane was tracked by Redditors as it made its way across the Atlantic towards the United States. There was speculation the plane was heading straight for Guantanamo Bay, however after an eight hour journey the military jet began descending towards Smithfield airbase, near Charlotte, North Carolina. A screenshot from FlightRadar showing the journey of the plane with possible landing spots."
Where is Julian Assange?
Timeline of the events surrounding his disappearance
Why should we demand Proof of Life
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