Proof of Life
Where is Assange? - Timeline - Proof of Life - How to find news update
VIDEO 30 Reasons why Assange is in Room 101 by The Outer Dark, 24.12.2016
In 2016 Julian Assange became concerned for his safety and the integrity of the Wikileaks organization. To guard against this danger he gave Wikileak supporters explicit instructions on what to do should they become aware of anomalous events – events such as those we now have.
All of Julian Assange's appearances could have been faked – see below. The only thing we don't have is genuine evidence. Why hasn't he published an email signed with his PGP key? Why is he never seen at his window in the Embassy? Indeed, why are the police no longer guarding the Embassy?
The prime directive was to insist on obtaining Proof of Life. It has never been provided. So, despite the continual assurances offered by Wikileaks, his supporters remain convinced that he has been 'disappeared'.
A good source background information
There has been a continually renewing supply of 'recent' interviews. Most videos are simply edits of previous footage. All these appearances have been rejected as unreliable. Even the 'live voice' interviews, conducted over the phone, have been of such poor quality that they are not convincing. All raise questions, some just sound like a really bad fake. The software to fake a voice is freely available - see video:
VIDEO - Did They Fake the Julian Assange 11-26-16 Interview With Voice Shop !? 6 Dec 2016
The failure of the PGP passwords to match up with the hashes for the 3 tweeted data dumps indicate that the Wikileaks organization is now being run by a black ops team as a 'honeypot' to trap Whistleblowers.
This inconsistency, along with some of the odd communications and behaviours coming out of the Wikileaks organization has lead many people to suspect that forces from the Dark Side (CIA, etc.) have seized control of the wikileaks server and twitter account.
This thread was removed from Reddit but not before it has been saved as an image.
For those who understand PGP this gives an indication of the difficulties they are having:
And how impossible its proving to defeat the forces from the Dark Side:
Another weak attempt on Reddit to 'prove' Assange is alive and well.
The source of the report that Julian had his internet access restored at Ecuador's London embassy was this comment dated 23rd December 2016:
Qu: Is the internet still cut off?
JA: The internet has been returned.
It can be found here
I don't think this interview with Assange constitutes Proof of Life so much as it is indicative of just how scarily effective is the CIA at controlling the media. But then they have been at it for a long time.
Another CIA skill is to rendition a person to a 'black site'. There is some evidence that this was Assange's fate:
Where is Julian Assange?
Timeline of the events surrounding his disappearance
Proof of Life
How to find news update