Nvidia 1080 Mining Benchmarks
I did a benchmark on my ASUS Nvidia 1080 8GB video card with the following mining algorithms. I had afterburner set with the following settings.
AfterBurner Settings:
Power limit = 81
Temp Limit = 75
Core Clock = +160
Memory Clock = +602
Blake 2b = 1.99GH/s
Blake 2s = 4.13GH/s
C11 = 16.01MH/s
CryptoNight = 590 H/s
Decred = 3.13GH/s
Equihash = 531MH/s
Ethereum = 24.32MH/s
Groestl = 42.53MH/s
LBRY = 343.75MH/s
Lyra2REv2 = 42.82MH/s
NeoScrypt = 975.85kH/s
Nist5 = 50.38MH/s
Quark = 25.29MH/s
Qubit = 22.86MH/s
Scrypt =
SHA-3 = 641.63MH/s
Skein = 420.5MH/s
SkunkHash = 34.83MH/s
X11 = 14.94MH/s
X11Gost = 11.8MH/s
X13 = 11.95MH/s
X14 = 11.7MH/s
X15 = 10.92MH/s