Citrus Peel Benefits

in #nutrition6 years ago (edited)

Citrus plants belonging to the family Rutaceae which include fruits such as orange, mandarin, lime, lemon, sour orange and grapefruitappear as a well known promising source of multiple beneficial nutrients for human beings.

Citrus in addition to good for the body, also has enough fiber and rich in Vitamin C.

Nutrients In Orange Peel

Let’s check out the nutrient value in the orange peel:

  • Vitamin C: Helps get rid of acne and helps in getting healthy skin
  • Calcium: Renews dead skin
  • Potassium: Moisturises skin, hydrates skin
  • Magnesium: For glowing skin that’s youthful and healthy

If you eat citrus fruits, whether it's regular orange, lemon, or lime, the skin can be used for:

1. Eliminate body odor


The trick is to soak in the bathub and put orange peel sheets into it. In addition to helping to eliminate body odor, orange peel can make the bath becomes clean and shiny.

2. Cleaning kitchen utensils

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Orange peel is very powerful cleaning your kitchen utensils. The trick is to rub the orange peel on kitchen equipment. Dirt that attached will be lifted instantly

3. Cat repellent


Upset with wild cats who like to enter the porch? Put the orange peel near your fence, because the cat hates the smell of oranges.

4. Microwave Cleaner

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Instead of using a chemical cleaning agent to clean the microwave, it's a good idea to put lemon rind in a bowl of water. Then place the bowl in the microwave and warm it for five minutes. Once done, wipe dry water spills with a clean cloth.

5. Restores the luster of the iron furnishings

The blackened brass furnishings will be shiny as before with the help of lemon rind and baking powder. Rub the two materials into brass, stainless steel, or iron furniture for maximum results.

Reference & Further Reading:

1, 2 , 3, 4

Image Source:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


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