Schon gewusst? Uns geht's gut, weil's Anderen schlecht geht!
"Die Schicksalsgesetze" - von Rüdiger Dahlke.
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Upvote with 54.55% by @steemboter
Upvote with 44.44% by @steembeamer
This post was resteemed by @steemvote and received a 32.46% Upvote
Upvote with 37.5% by @whalo
Upvote with 64.29% by @myupvote
wow nice video
hello @nuoviso i like it
thank you for sharing
You got a 40.00% upvote from @votebuster courtesy of @nuoviso!
Upvote with 28.57% by @steemtools
Upvote with 25% by @pingpong
Upvote with 53.85% by @votex