15 August 2016 Numerology
15 August 2016 is a 5 day (1+5 + 8 + 2+0+1+6 = 23, 2+3 = 5); a great day for TRANSFORMING ... whatever you want to change up to a new PERSPECTIVE. So what needs Progressing in your life?
There is an additional Essence to the day ~ 6 derived from the Day Number: the 15th (1+5 = 6) ~ providing us with the opportunity to UNDERSTAND our relationship with others involved in our daily life, family, co-workers, fellow students, etc. We may discover opportunities to apply COMPASSION and MEDIATION too.
Today's Challenge Number is 1 ~ Today's challenge is about remembering we are not alone on this planet, so it is important to take others into consideration as we go about our INDIVIDUAL pursuits; to be ethical and care enough to SHARE. For this we can do a round of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT instructions: http://CreativeGoalSetting.com/EFT). "I am choosing to do my own thing while allowing others to do their thing too, and I deeply and completely love and accept my Self."
Marianne Thorne 🙂
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All days are unique!
Indeed they are, as is everyone's approach to each day unique. Yet for some of us having a way of making the most of each day while also evolving our reality of life is very rewarding. Thanks your for your comment @seyacat.