Scratching The Surface Of Occult Numerology - Part 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #numerology6 years ago


Anyone paying any attention has most likely noticed that there has recently been a drastic spike in the blatant use of occult symbolism and terminology, especially in most forms of Pop Culture. Becoming conscious of this symbolism and literate in this language are the only means through which we may arm ourselves with the knowledge necessary to act out of wisdom and protect ourselves from manipulation.

Occult numerology is a language encoded within our reality that can enable the numerologically literate among us to decipher meaning and intent where such may not be apparent to the naked eye. Unlike written languages, numbers and their individual characteristics were discovered, not invented by man. The invariable traits of these numbers have become symbols of laws and principles existent within our reality, as well as guides through which we may begin to understand the same.

Make no mistake, knowledge of such information would put any who wield it in a position of advantage over the ignorant, just as the ability to read the words on this page puts the reader at an advantage over the linguistically illiterate of our society. Take into account the fact that numbers and symbols are archetypal in nature and how this effects our subconscious and a much clearer picture of the power these symbols potentially embody becomes apparent.



Wikipedia Defines synchromysticism as such;

Synchromysticism, a portmanteau of synchronicity and mysticism, is "the art of realising meaningful coincidences in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance". The word was coined by Jake Kotze in August 2006. Synchromysticism has been described as a phenomenon "existing on the fringe of areas already considered fringe". Steven Sutcliff and Carole Cusack describe synchromysticism as "part artistic practice, part spiritual or metaphysical system, part conspiracy culture", while Jason Horsley describes it as "a form of postmodern animism" that "combines Jung's notion of meaningful coincidences with the quest for the divine, or self-actualization through experience of the divine.

These syncromystic "coincidences" are literally uncountable. Some examples of this are artwork produced by random artists, who could not have possibly had any foreknowledge, depicting events before they happen (such as 9/11 or other catastrophes). This is a very interesting topic I recommend you look into if you have not already.

Although it is true that occultists, light and dark alike, have used numerology as a symbolic language to serve their own purposes - many who have done research into the topic have come to the realization of the synchromystic nature of numerology and how it applies in Nature. The recognition of the natural existence of math and numerology as something that inherently exists encoded within our reality has brought many who are much more knowledgeable than I to the conclusion that these coincidences are the Universe (or Higher Consciousness, or the God Force, the terminology is unimportant) blatantly expressing Truth to us in an unwavering language of symbols. Might it be important to become literate in this language and listen to the messages being transmitted?



Copied from my previous post on marriage symbolism;

Symbolism is an ancient and occulted language that predates any forms of modern communication. Many symbols are archetypal in nature, meaning they induce subconscious psychological responses due to an inherent genetic memory that all humans possess, as determined in the research of Jung and many others.

Wikipedia describes an archetype as such:
a collectively-inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., that is universally present, in individual psyches, as in Jungian psychology.

Some examples of this are the circle, square, star, pole or pillar, colors (especially red, blue and green) - etc.

...And, of course, numbers! Numbers are also archetypal in nature. As such, numbers have maintained the same meaning over thousands of years due to the energetic principals they inherently possess. In other words - these meanings were not necessarily assigned to the numbers, the numbers possess similar characteristics to the principals they represent naturally. In a nutshell - An archetype is a symbol or idea that induces a common response in people due to a genetic memory embedded in the psyche.

Understanding Reduction


Reduction is one of the key principles in regards to understanding occult numerical symbolism. Once understood, reduction brings to light the fact that there are really only nine numbers (ten if you count zero, which some practices do), of which all other number combinations are made up of. The practice of breaking a number down into single digits and adding these digits together until 1 single digit is achieved is known as reduction. Let's look at 3 examples, each more complex then the last:

27 = 2 + 7 = 9
5,688 = 5 + 6 + 8 + 8 = 27 / 27 = 2 + 7 = 9
178,245 = 1 + 7 + 8 + 2 + 4 + 5 = 27 / 27 = 2+ 7 = 9

In these examples you can see how all 3 numbers used actually reduce to (and therefore may represent) the same number - nine. This principle works two ways when combined with numerology and gematria. Once recognized, reduction may allow one to "distill" complex principles down to a level more easily understood. It also allows the wielder to hide simple, easily understood messages in complex mathematics and code, that only those with the key may decipher the true meaning.

Number In Language (Gematria)

Many people are totally unaware that the symbols contained in the alphabets of nearly every language are assigned a numerical value, typically in sequential alignment with the characters order within said alphabet. Let's take a look English:

Recalling what we have just learned about reduction, remember that any letter represented by two digits may (and in most cases would/should) be reduced to it's single digit representative. That being said, I could represent the number 93 with the English alphabet as such: IC or as RU. Pretty simple. The practice of assigning a numerical value to letters and words is known as Gematria. Gematria reportedly has Assyro-Babylonian-Greek roots, although many would argue that this may be, and has been, applied to every language known to man.

Numbers As Symbols

Let's get down to it. In this section we will take a look at numerology from the perspective of three ancient schools of philosophy and psychology to develop a novice understanding of numerological symbolism. The last of the three traditions is very influential in today's society. I will only be touching on the numerical aspects of these mystery schools, who's philosophies are much more complex than will be covered here. It is important to note: Although the numbers typically represent dominate traits towards either positive or negative, all symbols have a positive and negative aspect to them - in accordance with the law of polarity, this is to be expected.

The following descriptions of the number symbols according to the occult philosophy of The Tarot is directly copied from pdf document called The Minor Arcana, author unknown. This document is on my ARK Drive, which I generously received from Mark Passio, Master Teacher & De-Occultist. You can check out his website to view more about how you can obtain your own ARK Drive, which contains a life-times worth of important information all in one convenient location for you to explore at your own pace.

The Tarot


When dealing with numerical symbolism in Tarot, the presence or absence of the characteristics mentioned may be expressed. Again it is important to note that any of the numbers can be positive or negative in the context of Tarot.

One/Ace- Represents beginnings, action, will, new ideas, creative power,
potential, first causes, primary impulses, and positive activities.

Two- Represents partnerships, relationships, polarities, balancing, duality, choices, patience, stillness, and positive and negative.

Three- Represents synthesis, growth, creativity, abundance, collaboration, friendship, artistic expression, refining plans, and preparing to take action.

Four- Represents foundations, discipline, work, order stability, solidity, tangible achievement, and practical attainment.

Five- Represents new cycles, change, progress, shifts, adjustment, fine tuning, instability, challenge, versatility, freedom, and courage.

Six- Represents balance, health, beauty, harmony, contentment, relaxation, satisfaction, equilibrium, marriage, family, and sympathy.

Seven- Represents Spirituality, wisdom, perfect order, the macro-cosm, religion, luck, magick, and multiple options.

Eight- Represents victory, will, success, regeneration, rebirth, reevaluating, putting things in order, and setting priorities.

Nine- Represents compassion, integration, movement, flexibility, fulfillment, attainment and benevolence.

Ten- Represents transition, renewal to a new cycle, completion, wholeness, mastery, excess, and overabundance.

Pythagorean Mathematics


The following information is adapted, paraphrased and presented in this post as referenced from The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, by Manly P. Hall. If you are unaware of Mr. Hall and his extensive work on everything of importance to the human race, I suggest you check him out. There are tons of free audio lectures available online and most of his literature is widely available.

Monad- Is 1, it is constant in the same condition - separate from multitude. It is called mind, because the mind is stable; hemaphrodism (both male and female), odd and even, if added to odd makes even, if added to even makes odd; God because it is the the beginning and end, but itself has neither beginning nor end.
Also called; chaos, obscurity, chasm, Tartarus, styx, abyss...

Duad- 2 is divided rather than one; and when there are two each is opposed to the other: genius, evil, darkness, inequality, instability, movability, boldness, fortitude, matter, dissimilarity, impulse, death, motion, generation, mutation... and much more.
The Pythagoreans revered the monad but despised the duad, because it was the symbol of duality.

Triad- 3 is the first number actually odd. The first equilibrium of unities. Friendship, peace, justice, prudence, piety, temperence and virtue. The cause of wisdom, the number of knowledge.

Tetrad- 4 was esteemed as the root of all things, the fountain of Nature and most perfect number. The tertrad is the first geometric solid. The number of God, as the decad, or 10, is composed of the first four numbers: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. It represents the soul of man. It connects all beings, elements, numbers, seasons. Nothing can be named that does not depend on the tetractys. Strength, virility, two-mothered and key keeper of Nature.

Pentad- 5 is the elements plus the monad, symbolizing the four elements earth, air, water and fire, as well the fifth element of ether which permeates all. Ether is the basis of life, therefor they chose the five-pointed star (pentagram) as the symbol of vitality, health and interpenetration.

Hexad- 6, The symbol of marriage and unification of the sexes because it is formed by two triangles (upward pointing for male, downward representing female) and because it's parts are sufficient for totality (1 + 2 + 3 = 6). The form of forms, the articulation of the universe and the maker of the soul.

Heptad- 7 was considered worthy of veneration, symbolizing religion because man is controlled by 7 celestial spirits. Keywords are fortune, occasion, custody, control, judgement, dreams, voices, sound. Many ancient nations regarded 7 as a sacred number. The heptad is the number of law.

Ogdoad- 8 was a mysterious number. It's form derived from the Caduceus of Hermes and the serpentine motion of the celestial bodies. Known as the little holy number.

Ennead- 9 is the first square of an odd number (3 x 3). Associated with failure and shortcoming, as it falls short of 10. Known as the number of man, keywords are ocean and horizon describing the limitless nature of 9, as there is nothing beyond it but 10. 9 was looked upon as evil as it is an inverted 6.

Decad- 10 - according to the Pathagoreans, is the greatest number because it comprehends all arithmetic and harmonic proportions. Decad is both heaven and the world, because the former includes the latter. The unwearied, because like God it is tireless. Related to age, power, faith, necessity and the power memory. They stated the decad perfected all numbers and comprehended within itself the nature of odd and even, moved and unmoved, good and ill.

Freemasonic Numerology


To a get a perspective on numerology from one of the day's most influential organizations, let's take a look at numerology from the perspective of Freemasonry. The following is excerpts from Albert Pike's Morals And Dogma.

TWO, or the Duad, is the symbol of Antagonism; of Good and Evil, Light and Darkness. It is Cain and Abel, Eve and Lilith, Jachin and Boaz, Ormuzd and Ahriman, Osiris and Typhon.

THREE, or the Triad, is most significantly expressed by the equi- lateral and the right-angled triangles... The Trinity of the Deity, in one mode or other, has been an article in all creeds. He creates, preserves, and destroys. He is the generative power, the productive capacity, and the result. The immaterial man, ac- cording to the Kabalah, is composed of vitality, or life, the breath of life; of soul or mind, and spirit.

FOUR is expressed by the square, or four-sided right-angled figure... four chariots coming out from be- tween two mountains of bronze, in the first of which were red horses; in the second, black; in the third, white; and in the fourth, grizzled: “and these were the four winds of the heavens, that go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.” Ezekiel saw the four living creatures, each with four faces and four wings, the faces of a man and a lion, an ox and an eagle; and the four wheels going upon their four sides; and Saint John beheld the four beasts, full of eyes before and behind, the LION, the young OX, the MAN, and the flying EAGLE. Four was the signature of the Earth. Therefore, in the 148th Psalm (1 + 4 + 8 = 13 / 1 + 3 = 4), of those who must praise the Lord on the land, there are four times four, and four in particular of living creatures. Visible nature is de- scribed as the four quarters of the world, and the four corners of the earth.

FIVE is the Duad added to the Triad. It is expressed by the five-pointed or blazing star, the mysterious Pentalpha of Pythago- ras. It is indissolubly connected with the number seven. Christ fed His disciples and the multitude with five loaves and two fishes, and of the fragments there remained twelve, that is, five and seven, baskets full. Again He fed them with seven loaves and a few little fishes, and there remained seven baskets full.

SEVEN was the peculiarly sacred number. There were seven planets and spheres presided over by seven archangels. There were seven colors in the rainbow; and the Phœnician Deity was called the HEPTAKIS or God of seven rays; seven days of the week; and seven and five made the number of months, tribes, and apos- tles.

EIGHT is the first cube, that of two. NINE is the square of three, and represented by the triple triangle.

TEN includes all the other numbers. It is especially seven and three; and is called the number of perfection. Pythagoras rep- resented it by the TETRACTYS, which had many mystic meanings. This symbol is sometimes composed of dots or points, sometimes of commas or yōds, and in the Kabalah, of the letters of the name of Deity.

TWELVE is the number of the lines of equal length that form a cube. It is the number of the months, the tribes, and the apos- tles; of the oxen under the Brazen Sea, of the stones on the breast-plate of the high priest.

I could not help but notice that when addressing the Fellow-Craft on the subject of numerology, Albert Pike intentionally excludes the numbers 1, 6 and 11. 8 and 9 have a very brief mention without imparting their significance. Occultists are known for saying something by not saying it - I will leave it at that. There is a paragraph proceeding this numeroligical break-down mentioning a sword, which could be interpreted to represent the monad, but this is only my speculation so I will not include that information here.

One thing to pay attention to is the direct correlation to Pythagorean philosophy and influence from Kabalah, as such - to understand freemasonic numerology it is important to have an understanding of its roots.. It is also very important to note that the following mystery traditions all contain similar numeroligical interpretations: Judaism, Kabalah, Freemasonry (and most roots thereof), Hermetics, Alchemy, Christianity, on and on.


End Of Part 1

I hope this general introduction into numerology was informative for those with little to no knowledge in the subject and that it may have shed additional light for those who already have a grasp on the language. Taking a look at the traditions discussed and mentioned in this post is a great place to start. At the end of the day it takes practice to become literate in numerology, just as with any other language. I look forward to hearing from others who have additional understandings and resources to share in the comments.

Stay posted for part 2, in which we will investigate modern numerology in regards to Satanism, the dark occult, and the new age movement. We will also take a look at modern interpretations, "master numbers" and occult mockery through numerology.

Peace Everyone


Fantastic overview over the numbers. I am really looking forward to part 2. Resteemed.

Oh, I think I need to get myself an ARK drive. I should ask Mark to bring me one to Anarchapulco next year.

Thanks for the positive feedback and support!

Mark is pretty specific on the process to obtaining an ARK. I'd say the likelihood of him bringing one to Anarchapulco is zero lol. I definitely recommend grabbing one!

BTW part 2 is done, hope you find it informative!

A friend of mine is with him right now who I will meet in a few days. He is recording the ARK drive and creates a mirror for me.

It's a great way to share the info. I encourage those I copy it for to send a donation to Mark for all the hard work he's done aggregating this data.

Awesome detailed post mate! Really well done and resteemed, I'll go catch up on the second part now ☺

Thanks for the positive feedback and support!

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