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RE: The Power In Jury Nullification
Well jury nullification in America can help, but I think when it happens more and more they will simply say "no more jury nullification's" They find some case, by which they say; "see nullification let's criminals walk" and make it an example, and the majority of the people, will agree with doing away with it, If you use the right propaganda as a politician, the slaves will beg for it.
The powers that be already try to say no to jury nullification by doing the following:
It doesn't really matter whether or not it is made illegal though. As long as we have trial by jury (usually avoided by using trumped up charges and offering plea deals these days) every thinking man and woman who sits on a jury has within their power the ability to say not guilty and stick to it.
This is a right not because someone says so. It is a right because as long as a unanimous vote is required by a jury it only takes one man or woman to say not guilty and refuse to say otherwise.
No one can make you say guilty.