Nuclear Arms: Trump & Kim
Trump and Kim taunting each other and comparing who has the bigger nuclear button is where we are at in this world. One thing I am always afraid of is a war triggered by social media. It is not far fetched scare anymore.
It is a well known fact any WMD is not good for a civilized society. USA and Russia mass produced thousands of Nuclear Warheads without any restrictions or guidance. They started this craze for every nation to seek nuclear arms. As a sovereign nation, every country has a right to protect itself and take appropriate measures. Who gave the right for only certain countries the right to have WMD, whiles others can't?
In 1990's when India and Pakistan did their Nuclear tests, all developed nations condemned them and imposed severe sanctions on those two countries. Why? I do not recall any sanctions on USA, RUSSIA, UK, France, and China when they got their Nuclear arms. Why? cause they are the only sovereign ones and rest of the countries are puppets?
It is ridiculous, Especially when they are the ones waging wars , occupying other nations and causing most of the atrocities in this world. From Vietnam to Iraq.
I am not encouraging nations to go build nuclear weapons, but unless all nuclear nations come together and dismantle their nuclear arms, they have no right to impose any sanctions on a sovereign nation just for trying to protect their country by bolstering their ammunition.
Ideally North Korea and Iran have every right to build nuclear arms. This sovereign right of a nation is not something that goes away by how they treat their people . That is a different issue. Taunting them and punishing them with sanctions while these so called nuclear nations are arming their neighbors with weapons is not going to bring them to coexist peacefully with neighbors. I sometimes wonder if US politicians even want peace between South & North Korea or Iran & its Neighbors. Because peace is not good for economy. I hope South and North Korea resolve their issues mutually and understand it is much better for them to coexist than bring a foreign entity to resolve their issues. US or Russia wont help South or North Korea without any benefit for themselves, and it only benefits them if both South and North are at war at the cost of innocent Koreans.